26 August 2008

"this framing actually follows"

Maliki is casting this [campaign against the Bribe-a-Tribe™ pensioneers] as another step in the "law and order" campaign, with the refrain of no arms in the hands of militias familiar from earlier campaigns in Basra et al.

IRONICALLY, this framing actually follows what I've advocated for well over a year - establishing effective state sovereignty, which the U.S.-backed Awakenings project undermined."

Just when one begins to worry that journalists and publicists and agitprop engineers have run out of ingenious and improbable things to do with ‘irony’, along comes M. Quelquechose with that specimen, which is as if the sorcerer's apprentice were to cringe and whimper "Ironically, they didn’t stop when I told them to, sir."

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