17 September 2007

"Sectarian Toll Includes Scars to Iraq Psyche"

"Sectarian Toll Includes Scars to Iraq Psyche"

Ah, she's still at it for the NYTC, Mme. la Baronne S. Tavernise is, with all her class-solid anecdotal tales of woe about the very tip-toppiest Peaceful Freedumbian uppers as if the very Psyche of the ex-Iraq:

[T]heir minds keep returning to the past, trying to process a violation that was as brutal as it was personal: young men from the neighborhood shot the children’s father as they watched. Later, the men took the house. “I lost everything in one moment,” said Rossel, the eldest daughter. “I don’t know who I am now. I’m somebody different.”

(How about THAT for a militant extremist GOP-sponsored régime change, ma'am? Spare us your sentiments, just kindly please supply us with the FACTS!)

"Young men" actually "from the neighborhood" shot this predestined princesses's Daddy and took over her Daddy's castle! It is scarcely to be imagined that even Karl Rove global agitprop could instantly sway "young men from the neighborhood" to such atrocities without any sort of antecedent grievance nearer to home.

All very like Spain in the 1930's, is it not, Mr. Bones? These congenitally Tavernese class-friendly OnePercenters are suddenly astounded to learn that most of their neighbors and servants and tenants bitterly hate and envy them and have so hated and envied for years or decades or centuries.

What's to be said, really, after one exclaims quelle surprise!? [1]

KECEKE. God knows best!

[1] Pretty well everything remains to be discussed, of course, but nothing to be discussed seriously with Her Principality of the NYTC anywhere around to overhear!

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