05 September 2007

The Big Party's Señorito-ess And Her Attempted Neo-Theodicy

Time started its expos[é] with this quote from the new book, Come Be My Light: The Private Letters of the Saint of Calcutta: “Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness are so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear.” She was human and felt empty now and again. She dealt with people suffering from poverty — the “poorest of the poor” — and the most debilitating and isolating of illnesses, and sometimes wondered how God could let such pain exist. Shocking? Not quite. Try: Only human.

Now of course all Superstition and/or Enthusiasm whatsoever knew about this problem in advance, the way the real world works was never a Party secret, after all. Superstition and/or Enthusiasm may busy themselves to raise subtle doubts about whether the world "really" works quite as harshly as that, but that such appearances really do appear was perhaps never denied before the provincial amateurish concoction of a "Christian Science" only yesterday, historically speaking.

The Big Management Party's loyal volunteer Señorito-ess (one "Kathryn Jean Lopez") further elucidates herself as follows:

Christians believe faith to be a great gift — one that, among other things, helps to explain the unexplainable. So that there can be challenges and “dark nights” is not all that blockbuster of news.[sic] Try a millennia-old.

This little lady scribbler of -- and by, and for -- the Big Management Party underestimates seriously: she underestimates by half at least, even merely millenniumwise. Of course she undoubtedly knows all about how to authoritatively "explain the inexplicable" to mere upstart amateurs in "dark nights" like Mother Teresa!

And what a pity that KJL should fail to communicate her inexplicable explanations of the original intentions Father Zeus to us humble before she rushes on headlong to badmouth Mizz Hillary for Boy and Party's sake alone!

Almost even beyond decently laughing at is the Big Management Party's neocomradess operative, this Katherine Jean Lopez! How very archaic the neo-specimen is, after all, Mr. Bones! The specimen really appears to think of its Little Brother at Crawford much as it thinks of its Father Zeus on Olympus and to want Big Managerialism to be 10000000000000% vindicated against all comers whatsoever in both cases.

Golly, Bones! Who'd 'a' thunk a blind bigotry to Party like that of KJL antecedently? Perhaps Mother Teresa saw it all coming and wrote it off in advance as only yet another persecution from ignorant and witless Caesar?

God knows best!

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