30 November 2007

The Vision of St. Hugh the Simple

But those who have studied Islam, studied the behavior, over many decades, of the Arabs, know perfectly well -- unless those students are apologists for Islam, collaborators with Muslims, out of conviction or cupidity (or sometimes both), or possibly are antisemites (or sometimes both) -- that the Arabs have no intention of recognizing Israel. Ask the defectors from that world. Ask Wafa Sultan. Ask Nonie Darwish. Ask Walid Shoebat. They know.

No, there is not a "solution." There is one way to prevent open warfare. It is to create, and maintain, a situation in which Israel is not only vastly more powerful militarily, but is widely understood in the Arab and Muslim world to be so, which allows Arab leaders the excuse of not going to war based on their invocation of the concept of Darura, or Necessity. That, and that alone, can justify, in the minds of the Muslim masses, a failure to take military action against Israel. Moral arguments are not relevant.

It is picturesque, not to say "ironic," that St. Hugh the Simple should chance to speak of "one chance to prevent open warfare" in a passage I single out as epitomizing the jihád careerist faction's passionate determination that peace should never be allowed to break out. Charity is naturally pleased to learn that the vanguard of the Kiddie Krusade does not insist upon its own preferred forms of Enthusiasm and Superstition triumphing by mere physical violence of the traditional sort. Perpetual cold war amongst the faith-crazies will suffice, it appears, an endless mutual contempt and loathin’ between the two camps, yet unaccompanied by much actual bloodshed.

If we are lucky, that is. For as you can see, Mr. Bones, St. Hugh's mystic vision of Armageddon avoided or averted is strictly conditional and precarious. And, as we ought to have anticipated, whether or not the ultimate balloon goes up does not primarily depend upon the efforts of Bob Cardinal Spencer and Dr. Pipesovitch of Harvard and all the mighty forces of jihád careerism -- even includin’ humble St. Hugh Fitzguerriere himself. Keepin’ their Long War™ "cold" does not depend upon their Boy and Dynasty and Party, nor upon their Big Party's base and vile, nor even upon the whole white host of nonpartisan Kiddie Krusaders from Crawford to Tel Aviv. Preventing Armageddon dependeth not upon Wunnerful US at all [1], but rather upon THEM. And ’tis rather an odd and unexpected subset of THEM that turns out to be critical, namely "Arab leaders."

More exactly, two slices of THEM figure in the Vision of St. Hugh, for it is not with Kiddie Krusaders that "Arab leaders" have primarily to contend, but with what is called either "the Arab and Muslim world" or "the Muslim masses." If the latter were ever to get the upper hand, why, Armageddon would take place in a flash! Fortunately no project is dearer to "Arab leaders" than making quite sure that those lesser ethnically and theologically undesirable folks are confined to the kennels where they belong. To be sure, St. Hugh the Simple does not himself mention this point expressly, an omission I attribute to his unwillingness to descend from the lofty heights of Enthusiasm and Superstition to the Romulan sewer of politics. Yet nowadays perhaps one neocomradely tank-thinker in ten is willing to oppose democracy for Arabs and Muslims without beatin’ around the bush, no matter what the Bush itself may bloviate to the contrary. (And even Little Brother has largely learned to keep his trap shut of late.)

Yet St. Hugh is hardly marchin’ in step with most of his Party's lemmin’s. How could he be? Though a militant and extreme jihád careerist himself, most of the neocomrades suffer from a very plain case of IADS (Islamophalangitarism Awareness Deficiency Syndrome). Poor St. Hugh the Simple must keep barkin’ and bellowin’ "Wolf!" to an audience that scarcely knows that particular four-letter word. To bark and bellow about "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" collects only a limited number of fans and curiosity-seekers in the naked public squares even of Wingnut City and Rio Limbaugh. At Peoria the crowd that assembles for Fitzguerrierean homilies is bound to be even smaller. "Fit company, though few" are they, perhaps, but all the same, rather alarmin’ly few, from the jihád careerist viewpoint. How fortunate, then, that avertin’ Armageddon should depend on "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" primarily, not upon voluntary self-defense efforts in the lands of Western Civistán!

Still, the visionary guidance from Beyond does enjoin jihád careerism and Kiddie Krusadin’ "to create, and maintain, a situation in which Israel is not only vastly more powerful militarily, but is widely understood in the Arab and Muslim world to be so." It seems that the objective facts about this Blessèd Ideal Situation are of some importance quite apart from what "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" may widely understand. Once again St. Hugh the Simple lucks out, for such a situation does after all obtain at the moment. If the Apostle of Unpeace thought it did not obtain, he would have to bark and bellow at his auditory to "create" it from scratch. It looks as if in fact we have only to "maintain," however. O lucky us!

The practical question is clearly how to maintain, or perhaps how to tell that we have maintained. Here is the key element that makes WUNNERFUL US dependent upon "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" for the avoidance or postponement of Armageddon. Jewish Statism must both be and be perceived as "vastly more powerful militarily." I think. The Beyond would be displeased with us, I presume, if we tried to fool "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" into thinking Jewish Statism very formidable when it fact was not. However it is more likely that St. Hugh the Simple worries mainly about the opposite case, in which the Tel Aviv statelet's supplies of tanks and bombers and bayonets -- and perhaps money from Crawford as well -- would be mistakenly underestimated by "Arab leaders."

The "Muslim masses" are made to sound as if they routinely make that underestimation, which brings us to the heart of the Vision of St. Hugh Fitzguerriere. The Beyond plainly takes the view that although "the Muslim masses" inveterately underestimate the massive armed forces of Zion and neo-Zion and para-Zion and Hyperzion, their ignorant and vulgar mistakes can usually either be corrected by "Arab leaders" [2] or else simply ignored, because "the Muslim masses" have no say in the policies of the Arab Palace people.

Alas, the Beyond warns of two distinct dangers through the mouth of Hugh the Simple, yet the Beyond does not tell us which danger to dread the most. Is Armageddon more likely to ensue because the existing Arab leadership will succumb to democracy / populism / ochlocracy, or because, while the cardboard kings and the barracks-based republicans maintain their total exclusion of street Arabs from power, they will nevertheless come to accept the foolish errors of their inferiors?

Quite different grand strategies to "maintain" would be called for in the two cases. Should Boy and Dynasty and Party commence by makin’ quite sure that nothin’ like Neocomradess K. Hughes ever happens again? That would be a reasonable plan if upholdin’ Gen. Mubárak and Col. Qadhdháfí and les altesses royales du Ryad be the crux of Armageddon evasion. However if the real and urgent threat is that these good Kirkpatrician gentry will remain in place but may relapse into the errors of 1948 or 1967 about the organized violence potential of Jewish Statism, it is not so easy to see exactly what steps Kiddie Krusaders ought to adopt. Naturally it would be desirable that the Tel Aviv violence pros should perform in public a little more successfully next time than they managed against the God Party of Lebanon in the summer of 2006 -- yet how is such a "next time" to be arranged, exactly? And for that matter, once arranged, how is the desired outcome of it to be ensured in advance?

Certain tank thinkers at Wingnut City, mere mortals who necessarily lack St. Hugh the Simple's special relationship with the Beyond, have suggested with some plausibility that launchin’ an anti-Safavid front in the Big Party's Long War would be opportune. Given proper manipulation and twistification, [3] that strategy could probably close the gap between "Arab leaders" and "Muslim masses" to some extent: "Hey, guys, let's everybody pile on the Shí‘a!" The fearsome specter of Levantine Democracy might be seriously discouraged thereby, at least for a time, but a Crawford-Qom match (if plainly won by the vigilante cowpokers) would have no very obvious tendency to make Jewish Statism look stronger than it does.

Reflection as I scribble suggests that an attack upon the evil Qommies conducted by the Tel Aviv régime single-handed might pull off both St. Hugh's tricks for him, both discouragin’ democracy and exaltin’ the horn of Hyperzion. "Arab leaders" require to be thoroughly terrorized of Jewish Statist power, but for that purpose it is not necessary that the thunderbolts fall upon themselves, M. Ahmadí-Nezhád would make a very suitable victim and illustration. If the cardboard kings and barracks-basers were actually in cahoots with Qadima (or with the extremist GOP) about such an affair, their difficulties with the street Arabs might easily become terminal, but given a decent degree of plausible deniability, the Arab Palaces could come through with their domestic security unimpaired.[4]

[1] I oversimplify. Like most of the Big Party ’phobes, St. Hugh the Simple can scarcely open his jaws about the evils of Islamophalangitarianism without attackin’ certain persons in Western Civistán who have not the happiness to be Muslims or neo-Muslims at all, but are only godforsaken l*b*r*ls. He performs exactly this sadly characteristic shtik of his crew's in the quotation provided, with "apologists" and "collaborators" and "cupidity " and "antisemites." Yuck.

[2] St. Hugh the Simple's exemplary simplicity means that one should not expect too much from him in the way of pedantic accuracy, yet perhaps it is not an accident that we hear only of "Arab leaders" and not of "Muslim leaders." M. Ahmadí-Nezhád of the Islamic Republic of Iran would no doubt cross the mind of a jihád careerist first as a non-Arab Muslim statesperson, and that gentleman is taken in most circles of simplism to be the very model of an underestimator of Jewish Statist might. Like the ignorant vulgar in Arab lands, the evil Qommie President is represented by JC's and KK's as thinking that a large eraser is pretty well all it would take to efface the Tel Aviv statelet once and for all.

[3] Not likely to be forthcomin’ from the Harvard Victory School MBAs, to be sure.

[4] When the status quo is a total monopoly on power by the Arab Palace gentry, republican or "royal," there can not be any substantial improvement on it. Balátar az siyáh rangí níst!

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