... Giuliani's foreign policy advisers, including the reported director, Charles Hill, immediately strike one as far superior to those advisers to the candidates in the Democratic camp. I have read that Albright and Berger are, unbelievably, still being consulted by Hilary Clinton. And Brzezinski by Obama Barack. That these names, these people, should be consulted by anyone, at this point, given their records on Iran, on Arafat, bref,[sic] on all things having to do with Islam, is, of course, fantastic. |
Now when you come right down to it, sir, perhaps Pan Brzezinski and Pani Albright and Master Sandy are not really our own notion of ideal expertise on questions of aggression and occupation, not to speak of jihád fiendishness. It does not break the heart that these gentry should be disliked over at Dossiermonger Central also. However at the moment we are interested in Master Hugh Fitzdhimmi's Kiddie Krusade rather than Secretary of War Albright's Militärhumanismus, and from that point of view the final sentence above is a revelation. This laddie really does seem to be SHOCKED à la Casablanca to find that not everybody accounted wise and virtuous agrees with his own pet notions. "How can anybody sane want to consult those losers?", he moans. Will Huey ever grow up and realize that one must stand by one's own judgments even though well aware that persons better and brighter could not agree with them less? Will he ever learn that no matter what product he chooses to ideologize for, most of the human race will prefer something different?
Ah well, God knows best about future contingencies!
Meanwhile, what the señorito actually scribbles about before coming to that ass-coverin’ passage at the end is how much he disagrees with many of his own neocomrades, including a number of nomina clara whose performances we enjoy following ourselves. Even more enjoyable is to watch the knaves fall out intramurally, of course.
You are to reflect, Mr. Bones, that the Straight Path of jihád careerism is far from easy, being obstructed with so many pseudos, and wannabes, and extremist GOP cheerleaders, and Iraq aggression fans, and overcultivated tertiary educationalizers and . . . . Why, hardly anybody stands up to the Islamophalangitarian Menace exactly right -- apart from of course the Holy Family in person: Bob Cardinal Spencer, little Huey himself, plus the ever-blessèd Bint Ye’or.
What can spurned neocomrades like B. Lewis and N. Podhoretz make of the Fitzdhimmian fickleness? Little Huey does not very clearly explain why he is obliged to reject their Kiddie Krusade credentials. Viewing his pitch from a safe and nondefiling distance, one might guess -- up to a point, anyway -- that Neocomrade H. Fitzgerald requires that the Elect abandon their minds to the Great Sacred Cause absolutely without reservation. Anybody who proposes to do anythin’ whatsoever with her careerism other than lash out at the jihád fiends is potentially or actually unreliable. Along those lines you can see, Mr. Bones, why Neocomrade N. Podhoretz and Neocomrade B. Lewis won't quite altogether do. Both these prominent gentlethugs have a positive program as well as a cravin’ for the creative destruction side of the common racket. It may not seem to themselves that the advancement of Jewish Statism or of the interests of Republican Party extremism need involve any unfaithfulness to the Great Sacred Cause, but little Huey F. is stricter than they, as strict as Neocomrade S. Kirkegaard used to be: PURITY OF HEART IS TO WILL ONE THING! Hyperzionism is not the unum necessarium, and even farther off the mark is devotion to Grant's Old Party. Father, Son and Mme. Littman cannot spare a moment from their appointed trajectory to worry about whether they are elephants or donkeys, Jews or Gentiles. If Prof. Lewis and M. du Podhoretz allow themselves that leeway, why, so much the worse for Norm and Bernie! The watchword of jihád careerism must ever be Écrasez l'infâme!, and that means not wastin’ even a single instant on writin’ somethin’ new into the blank spaces from which fiendishness has been happily effaced.
You can read little Huey's particular nastygrams for yourself, Mr. Bones. Only in the case of Dr. Pipesovitch does he seem to me to have thought things through very clearly. His extreme of mist and muddle, on the other hand, is undoubtedly Neocomrade M. Kramerides, whose great offense against jihádological correctness is apparently only to like Neocomrade Herr Prof. Dr. B. Lewis somewhat excessively. Less rigorous scrutinizers have been known to find that sort of fault rather endearing and even praise it as "loyalty," but Señorito Fitzdhimmi will have none of that wishywashiness:
A professor should, in any case, be proud to have trained students who, when the time comes, will be able to see what that professor has done wrong, along with all of the right, rather than remain uncritical, worshipful acolytes. |
As you'll recall, Bones, we have wondered ourselves before now exactly which professors of jihádology Neocomrade H. Fitzdhimmi looks backwards towards with unenchanted eye -- rather suspecting, to put it crudely, that he hasn't any to speak of. In the course of trashin’ poor ol’ Bernie, he seems to confirm these low doubts:
LEWIS is deeply cultivated --those paintings, those artworks, those linguistic gifts which can best be appreciated, of course, by Arab or Turkish or Persian visitors (intellectual vanity that can best be assuaged by those who know how much you know, because they are native speakers of those languages, can be a dangerous thing) . . . But he has also, over the years, belittled -- and not helped but possibly hindered -- BAT YE'OR. He has, one suspects, somewhere along the line missed something, something essential about Islam, possibly because the Muslims he knows, the ones who laugh at his bons mots, the ones who can appreciate his linguistic sallies in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, are as unrepresentative as . . . . |
Well, you can look up for yourself exactly whom this señorito accounts representatively unrepresentative -- it's rather a surprising crew.
Myself, I am more concerned with his fascinating insinuation that one somehow knows jihádology better if one knows it in translation. Little Huey seems to be a silly man, yet that need not be entirely a Philistine and ridiculous prejudice that he cherishes. If not good ol' Bernie Lewis specifically, yet still there may be lesser neocomradely sages who have put so much effort into learnin’ those exotic chickentracks that they cannot properly appreciate how godawful Islamophalangitarianism really is. Worse, mere area students who fall well short of Theodore Noeldeke eruditionwise have been known to sympathise with the indigs that by rights they ought to be only dispassionately studying.
H. Fitzdhimmi certainly seems not to like anybody in the Greater Levant at all -- apart from Littman of the Nile, naturally. So far, so good, impartiality is admirably preserved, but . . . .
So what do the victims of little Huey's candid friendship make of him, I wonder? Perhaps not very much, for they all seem to possess so much more jihádological accreditation than he does that it would be absurd to dispute with him and at the same time contrary to the interests of the Kiddie Krusade.
"The dogs bark, the caravan moves on" -- perhaps that's the proverb for Huey.
[1] Amateur psychoanalysis of little Huey and his ilk leads nowhere fast, yet perhaps it does matter a little that he and his Cardinal Bob should be spiritual Indo-Europeans? The entanglement of Jewish Statism with the Kiddie Krusade certainly leads to problems for certain neocomrades both within and without the Pale of Zion. Chauvinists for the Tel Aviv statelet may worry that their traditional vested interests will suffer if anybody else is allowed to set up as a devoted victim of T*rr*r*sm, while Krusader kiddies much like R. Spencer and H. Fitzgerald may come to think of Jewish Statism as the sort of proverbial "good" that can becomes "enemy of the best." Perhaps in the long run chauvinism and jihád careerism will come to coincide altogether, at least for practical purposes, but that time has not yet arrived, and will not have arrived until all Gentile Palestinians have signed up with the Hamás and repudiated the Fatáh. As long as there exists any "secular" resistance to the military occupation of East Palestine and Gaza, stern Kirkegaardians associated with any of the zealotisms available on either side of the Green Line will have good reason to deplore the sad muddle that human events so regularly tend to be.
Little Huey Fitzdhimmi may or may not conceive his own zealotism like that. A different diagnosis of it would begin by pointing out that Bob Cardinal Spencer and the whole dossiermonger gang conceive of their jihád careerism as altogether a project of aggression. They are not tryin’ to defend anythin’ in particular, not even some self-servicin’ tripe and baloney of a "Western Civilisation," they are out to create a vast blank where Islamophalangitarianism used to be. Only that and nothin’ more. That comes to quite a large sized "only," to be sure, and one far beyond their feeble intellectual and physical powers ever to attain, but all the same, such is the announced scheme. There shall be when Islám is not! There must be when Islám is not!!
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