In an interview with pan-Arab al-Hayat, Ahmad Chalabi, the ex-vice Prime Minister and staunch supporter of the US invasion of Iraq, said that "Iran is exerting its right to defend itself in Iraq," and described the ongoing Shi'a-Shi'a clashes in the South as a veiled form of class conflict. Chalabi, who currently leads the "popular committees" created to support "Operation Imposing Law" in Baghdad, complained about the lack of accountability in the Iraqi government, and argued that it is caused by the preponderance of political/sectarian blocs in the Parliament: "despite all we hear in Parliamentary sessions regarding summoning this or that minister to the Parliament for questioning, all these efforts fail because of the pressures exerted by the minister's bloc, which considers the measure to be directed against it." Chalabi also complained about the "power-sharing deals" that have plagued the Iraqi state and the corruption that accompanies them; when told... |
Larceny fails when the trashy treasures of Sloggerdom were not lurking in the HTML page at all. But that's a fun place to break off for speculation purposes, is it not? Imagine that some impertinent indig had objected, for instance, "But surely Your Excellency is part of the ‘accompanying corruption’ as well?" How would the cheek that launched a thousand tanks have responded to that perfectly rational inquiry?
More cheeky than ever is Neocomrade Dr. A. Tchélebi, formerly of MIT and AEI and GOP. It is difficult to say, however, exactly whom he is cheekin’ for at the moment, other than his inevitable and best-belovèd Self. In a mere two and a paragraphs there, we spot him frenetically defendin’ (1) the Islamic Republic, (2) popular committeedom, (3) "Imposition of Rule", (4) the transparency chiché, (5) the antisectarian cliché, and (6) the Quasilegislative Branch of Khalílzád Pasha's Konstitution. As far as I can tell, there could be another six dozen contradictority scams mentioned by the panarabian fishwrap that Slogger City summatorializes from.
And that's minus the Marxism! If indeed there is any Chalabomarxism, for to speak of "a veiled form of class conflict" could easily veil the fact that His Excellency sides ruthlessly with the Benaziriat rather than peasantry and proletariat. Perhaps if his family got its pre-1958 provinces back, the former Iraq would be almost as good as mended? Feudal Landladyism is the sort of scam I can imagine His Excellency really believin’ in, though that may be more a fact about me than about him.
On the other hand, neomediaevalism is not a very demagoguable cause in Peaceful Freedumbia at the moment, so it is in fact far more likely that His Excellency means to pass himself off as a popularis of some sort. To the extent that the al-Hayát pudding has any theme at all, it is perhaps to exalt the horn of Dr. Tchélebi at the expense of poor M. al-Málikí, whom it is not difficult to present as a model impopularis. All very unfair, of course, since the Chairman of the Council of Quasiministers is only what the GOP genius of Z. Khalílzád and N. Feldman and assorted other Party perps has caused him to be. Still, the incompetence of aggression-based Big Management does create an opening for the likes of Dr. Tchélabi. Nobody can get anything done through the official machinery of "national" "government," all genuine political power must be based elsewhere, and Dr. Tchélebi is at least as good an elsewhere as any other, is he not? [1] Rather a more agreeable elsewhere than your typical warlord bandits and sunny awakeners and Badr brigadiers, in certain respects. Much the best feature of the Error Hero of Our Time is that he does not have a militia behind him and seems unlikely to acquire one no matter how hard he panders to all or any of his widely assorted panderees. [2]
On a related topic: Slogger City seems to have miscalculated badly. Their attempt to extort money for "secret" or "insider" info about the semiconquered provinces of Republican Party extremism, info straight out of invasion-language journalism and the Anglo-Arabian Press Trust, has coincided with the pretty people losing interest in the whole fandango now that Dr. Gen. Petrolaeus and Party Proconsul Crockerius have taken the bushogenic quagmire in hand. Maing it impossible to cut and paste from what little they display on their main page can scarcely suffice to save their bacon and allow them to retire to Rio de Janeiro for a suitably financed retirement after the Peaceful Freedumbia racket collapses altogether.
Once in a while, Mr. Bones, one catches such a faint glimmer that maybe some just Providence really does concern herself with the world at times. But God knows best.
[1] If we were talking about the holy Homeland, Mr. Bones, that would not be a rhetorical question. The worseness of AEI/GOP con artists has had more than a century to unfold itself to appalled onlookers. However, nobody to speak of in the Big Party's boondocks knows that parochial North American history, which means that most of what is corrupt about Dr. Tchélabi means nothing much to Uncle Sam's neo-Iraqi subjects.
[2] But remember, corruptio optimi pessima! If Dr. Tchélebi ever did manage to get some reliable bayonets behind him, the prospects for Peaceful Freedumbia would be very dark indeed. We may hope that his attested track record is sufficient to ensure that nobody sane would ever loan His Excellency a slingshot or a pea-shooter, yet human events is not an exact science nor sanity always available. The worst danger is perhaps is that H.E. might find some total klutz of a colonel or general who likes prancin’ about the barracks on a white horse and then set up as Ludendorff to Ibn Hindenburg. Fortunately neither the evil Qommies, nor the Sadrist proles, nor the popular committeewomen, nor the wannabe Imposers of Law, nor the enemies of rootless cosmopolitanism, nor the disgruntled quasideputies of brave New Baghdád have any such Colonel Klutz at hand to advance the schemes of Tchélebisme. But the improbability of the event must be multiplied by its immense godawfulness, should it ever occur. Better keep an eye out and knock on wood, everybody!
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