We had better begin with the fib itself, the "US claims" advanced in the interest of AEI and GOP and (perhaps) DOD, as Mr. Lang quoted them in a dispatch of the Washington Post Company
"US military officials on Wednesday accused a Shiite militant group of carrying out a truck bombing in northwestern Baghdad on Tuesday evening that killed at least 65 people, the deadliest attack in the capital since March. The accusation was startling because the bombing in the Hurriyah neighborhood had the hallmarks of earlier large-scale attacks in predominantly Shiite areas that had been attributed to Sunni insurgent groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq. |
The startled Mr. Lang emphasizes the whole second sentence -- he blogs it in bloody red, begorrah! -- but he does not climb out on a limb to the extent of explaining whodunnit really. For that matter, the startled Mr. Logroño did not quite do whodunnit either. We who are not quite Aristotle can nevertheless work out that there is a little daylight showing between "A has the hallmarks of B" and "A is an instance of B." Those who further recall that it is the Greater Levant of which we keyboard will naturally reflect that the goofball gentry at Mu’ámara Junction can always point out that A looks a lot like B because C wants you to think that B did it -- with several permutations and combinations of the set { A, B, C } because the peculiar Lynx-Badger-Cartoonoclastes whims and prejudices are by no means the only materials available to conspiratorialise with. For practical purposes, though, it looks as if Mr. Logroño and Mr. Lang both assume that the TwentyPercenter pets of MJ ("Sunni insurgent groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq"), whereas the glorious AEI-GOP-DOD coalition prefers to lie (or PubDip) that
[As a] U.S. military spokesman said, intelligence reports indicate that Haydar Mehdi Khadum al-Fawadi, the leader of a Shiite "special group," planned the bombing in an effort to fuel animosity toward Sunnis in the largely Shiite district. The U.S. military uses the term "special groups" to describe what it says are smaller Iranian-backed militias. |
It is probably safe to omit most extraneous fantasy fodder and boil the Logroño-Lang startlement down to this: down at the ranch, Team Aggression knows, or strongly suspects, that the Orthodox salafiyya were responsible, presumably killing heretics and Safavid agents in their customary and, as it were, disinterested manner. What Team Aggression wants to propagandise, however, is that the evil Qommies were behind it. That is pretty much how we ourselves interpreted yesterday, is it not, Mr. Bones? It did not occur to us to make a major pother out of it or to profess ourselves especially startled.
We may well have been mistaken, sir: this may be a potherworthy mendacity by and for Boy and Party. Once you notice what Mr. Logroño is up to, you find that he does not explain what is supposed to be so startling about it, although he could have if he chose. It is stale news that the hormone-basers zig and zag and hem and haw about exactly which set of fiends they are worst terrorized of and most eager to be at ‘war’ against this week. (M. von Murdoch’s upmarket fishwrap is well named. Naturally his neocomrades do not literally churn out a new standard Big Management Party line every seven days on the dot, but they certainly do keep comin’ up with new reasons for old AEI-GOP-DOD mistakes all the time.)
For the week of 14-21 June 2008, the neocomrades wannabe at ‘war’ with Eastasia rather than Eurasia. Big deal. Only one of the Big Party’s own fever-swamp dwellers can get excited about the latest twitchin’ between Sunnies and Shadies. The Feverswamp Folk mostly lecture mainstream Rio Limbaugh and Wingnut City about the dangers of Asiofascism all across the board. The jihád careerists and their dupes are at least as tedious as their more twitchable neocomrades are, but they do not much matter a tenth as much for purposes of makin’ the aggression and occupation policies of Boy and Party and Ideology, because "Kill them all, God will recognise Her own!" falls well short of the dignity of policy.
Mr. Logroño has thus no reason to be startled that this week the Busheviki have always been at war with Eastasia and the evil Qommies. The remarkable thing about this PubDip ploy is not a question of WHO? but one of HOW? Here we find it lied that the Shadies have taken to killing their own people in order to provke disorders. Coming from the MJ goofballs, who have degraded themselves to think like Greater Levantines, or from people who actually are Greater Levantines, this, too, would be scarcely worth talking about: "OF COURSE it was Jewish Statists who launched the Pentagon-WTC attacks! Don’t you understand how cui bono? works, yá Zayd?" Amongst the Sea Mights of the Greater Levant, nothing could be more regular and acceptable in polite circles than committing atrocities against oneself in hopes of passing them off as the work of unsp**k*ble THEM. (Or anyway, one assumes that THEY act like that all the time.)
When the cowpoker vigilantes of AEI-GOP-DOD finally sink to that miserable indig or wannabe-indig level, however, it is news. It is, indeed, startling news. Mr. Logroño has every right to say so. One must, however, wish that he had said so rather more strikingly. He does not say a word about what startled him, so one does not even know for sure that he perceives the full outrageousness of the Big Management Party’s latest spiritual degeneration. What else he could have been startled by is hard to conjecture, though. Ernesto Logroño would be a hopeless rube if he was actually surprised to find the militant extremist Republicans assignin’ blame without botherin’ to have any particular evidence. That syndrome is what lured them into their neocolonial quagmires to begin with, obviously. After almost seven years of thrashin’ and splashin’ about in the bushogenic mire, it would take a Rip van Winkel to be unaware of that deficiency in them. But that they have now sunk to positively S*m*t*c levels of conspiratorializin’ and vilification is genuinely new. There is not much farther for the cowpoker Saladins to sink, I don’t think, except to draw the obvious lesson that Big Management can play the auto-atrocity card as well as anybody. Maybe they can even play it better, with a little assistance from their Harvard Victory School MBA types. Fas est et ab hoste doceri!, "All's fair in Love and ‘War’!"
Like Mr. Logroño, Mr. Lang fails to make clear why he was so startled that he decided to bleed all over the screen. Look at it again, Mr. Bones, the bit Lang stigmatises: The accusation was startling because the bombing in the Hurriyah neighborhood had the hallmarks of earlier large-scale attacks in predominantly Shiite areas that had been attributed to Sunni insurgent groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq. Well, I suppose "fails to make clear" cannot be sustained. It is quite clear that Logroño says that he was startled by the mere fact that the Big Party creeps took a human event that looked like the work of A and attributed it to B without any better grounds then their own druthers. I am reduced to tentatively supposing that neither the journalist not the blogmonger identified what had startled him accurately and mistakenly attributed it to some very tame old stuff. It is not likely to be an accident that something really startling was in fact present, surely? But God knows best.
Mr. Lang emphasises the DOD vertex of the Triangle of Aggression, as naturally he might, so I suppose he, though not Mr. Logroño, may have been startled that hired-hand colonels and generals should allow themselves to be complicit in the detestable chickenhawk creepinesses of AEI and GOP. But that seems pretty improbable as well. This whole megillah does not obviously invite special consideration from the viewpoint of the violence profssion. Lang calls his piece "Who are the Target Audience?," but, like jesting Pilate, he never gets around to answering his own question. It makes no sense that I can perceive as a rhetorical question, however, and taken straight, it seems quite a difficult problem.
I do not, off-hand, have any notion why the Big Management cowpokers should prefer this week to have been always at war with Eastasia rather than with Eurasia. It is easy to guess that they are crankin’ up all their Party and Pentagon apparatuses in preparation for a Cakewalk to Qom, but that is so easy a guess, and so obviously no better than a guess, as to be worthless. If they were really doin’ that, the signs of imminent AEI-GOP-DOD aggression would be quite unmistakeable. These creeps are thoroughly incapable of creepin’ up on anybody unexpectedly, to judge from their track record since 1991. Naturally she who disposes of her Uncle Sam’s Sole Remainin’ Hyperpower need never think it indispensably necessary to achieve surprise at any level, tactical, operational, strategic or geopoliticsitarian. Like the late President of Iraq, the evil Qommies would spot the GOP Juggernaut comin’ weeks and months in advance, but they would not be able to do a thing to stop it. (Maybe.)
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