The protests in Iraq over the US attempt to secure a bilateral Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) provides an opportune moment to assess the continued occupation. |
Suppose, then, Mr. Bones that we assess the status of the AEI-GOP-DOD coalitional aggression as indicated, "halfway back to normal"? Could thee do better than that in four words, sir?
Chronologically, who can tell? Will ALL the scum be off the pond by sixty-two months from now, August of 2013? Probably not, if that deliverance be interpreted as the total physical absence of conscious and dedicated Kiddie Krusaders from the confines of the former Iraq. But the presence of a few thousand paleface operatives of AEI-GOP-DOD would not, as I judge, necessarily set the ton decisively. Gen. Mubárak does not have to put up with garrisons dispatched from Tel Aviv and Crawford and Brussels, the Two-Shrine Cardboard Kingdom has been more or less deinfidelised once again. The essential nature of these rackets would not be changed, though, if there were a few battalions answerable to the Weekly Standard lurkin’ around amidst the unhappy subjects of these rackets. The rackets would still be what they are, taken individually. Taken collectively, they would be the canon of normalcy for the Greater Levant, exactly as they are already.
Considering that pseudomonarchy is not likely to be reintroduced into the former Iraq, pseudomonarchy being a form of political claptrap more suited to retarded bedouin than to political grown-ups, thee may reword my slogan with a different four words if thee like, Mr. Bones: the invasionite creeps have already crept "Halfway home to Husní!" It would have saved everybody a great deal of tear and wear, if the creeps had simply handed their Mesopotamian booty over to the General immediately. Naturally I realize that my original suggestion to that effect would not have been acceptable for P. R. reasons: Little Brother and the Big Managers would not have thought it amusin’ to be perceived as havin’ semiconquered all those provinces merely in order to hand them over to persons less infallible and pure of heart than themselves. It has not, to be sure, been a good five years for the Purity and Infallibility of AEI and GOP and DOD, yet if the clowns had known exactly what was comin’ at ’em, I bet they would have preferred the whole dismal saga to relinquishin’ control to anybot at all, let alone to some humble indig. [1]
As to predicting the main show, Mr. Denselow seems reasonable and moderate enough to me:
[T]he US is unlikely to listen to ... protests when so much "blood and treasure" is at stake. Just as the British people were ignored when directly opposing the decision to go into the Iraq, so Iraqis will be denied the chance to peacefully oust an occupying army from their smouldering wreck of a state. |
Well, sort of reasonable and moderate. As regards both Airstrip One and Peaceful Freedumbia, he passes over in silence the question of what "the people when directly opposing" is to count for in human events, and how the counting of it is to be organized. Neither the UKoGBaNI nor the International Zone neorégime are formally committed to holding plebescites and referendumbs as a regular thing every time a grave question arises.
I trust the student of Pol. Sci. and human events may notice this fact and yet avoid accusations of wishing to deny anybody her fair chance to oust? I’m all in favor of the particular ousting, myself, naturally, but for analytical purposes it seems more important to wonder why Mr. Denselow takes for granted without discussion that the I. Z. quasiparliament will not vote down poor M. al-Málikí's SOFA when they get a shot at it. Does he think that the quasideputies won’t get a shot at it? Does he think that the quasideputies would not dare to reject Hannibal of Da‘wa's non-treaty?
We know for sure that this analyst thinks that
perhaps the greatest danger for Iraq [is] that the US military presence in the country becomes an unchallenged normality, permanently delegitimising a national government and fanning the flames of conflict in a region that has been burning for far too long. |
Obviously we have not the honour to agree with Mr. James Denselow completely, having just argued that the presence or absence of troops from Tel Aviv or Crawford or Brussels is by no means the cardinal point. Gen. Mubárak has none, yet he is as westoxicated as anybody at Wingnut City or Rio Limbaugh can wish. [2] A contrariwise example does not exist at the moment, yet in principle there might be fifty or a hundred thousand of J. Sidney McCain’s finest stationed out in the desert somewhere without any detectable impact on the native politics of the International Zone. Westoxication would, of course, be axiomatic inside that political framework, but, as far as I can make out, westoxication is axiomatic in the former Iraq no matter what. It is not just AEI and GOP and DOD that will not stand for a neorégime at Baghdád as hostile to all the AEI-GOP-DOD schemes and values as are the evil Qommies or the no-’count Venezuelans. Normalcy in the Greater Levant means Westoxication.
To put it other way around, if the existing rackets at Cairo and Riyadh &c. are not "permanently delegitimised as national governments," there exists nothing in all the world of politics that answers to that description. When I maintained that the Party of Hardin’ is halfway back to normalcy in their Peaceful Freedumbia, I meant halfway to achievin’ a secure establishment of both illegitimacy and westoxication, a neorégime of OnePercenters that would not last a week if the other 99% of locals had a word to say about the question, yet a perfectly secure neorégime of native OnePercenters as long as support from the paleface OnePercenters of Tel Aviv and Crawford and Brussels remains ultimately available to it. Immediate availability, the physical presence of armed Kiddie Krusaders for Western Sieve amongst the hapless indigs, tends to create more problems than it solves. [3]
[1] In Cloudcuckooland, the theory is that Hell actually did relinquish control of the former Iraq. Not to the natives, Zeus forbid!, and not to anybody like Gen. Mubárak -- who might have been practically helpful -- either, but to the Security Council of the United Nations.
Needless to say, that nominal malarkey has had no practical impact whatever, helpful or adverse, on the actual condition of the former Iraq. If it matters at all, it matters for relations between Rancho Crawford and Turtle Bay, and might be sloganised "Lone Ranger to Tonto: Drop Dead!" I do not understand why Tonto should be forced to butt out on 1 January 2009 rather than any other date several years either way. Hell can not possibly -- well, not sanely -- be afraid that the U.N. is actually going to start checking out what has been done in its name by vigilante cowpokerdom.
Miss Sappy has started scribbling lately as if the International Zone neorégime being "in Chapter Seven" implied a recognition of the political bankruptcy of AEI-GOP-DOD. That is just silliness. The neocomrades from Hell have long since thinkin’ about their colonial and imperial policies systematically. At this point, what matters to them is that their Peaceful Freedumbia should not become a permanent blot on the escutcheon of the Party of Hoover. If they were thinkin’ generally and with their hormones leashed for once, they would never set up a neuere Weltordnung in which that unguided missile, the Parliament of Man, gets to decide which political rackets are to count as "failed States" and thus become aggression fodder. Unless that level of determination is exclusively reserved to Little Brother and Big Management, it would be no fun worth mentionin’ to possess Sole Remainin’ Hyperpower. One might as well fancy the invasionite bozos repentin’ and amendin’ and betakin’ themselves to a monastery, for Pete’s sake!
In theory -- which is to say, at Cloudcuckooland -- the Security Council could impair the eternal lustre of Boy and Dynasty and Party and Ideology by examining their mandated performances in the former Iraq, and then severely condemning. Though strictly in accord with the letter of International Unlaw, that is quite as funny a joke as the one about the Feiths and Wolfowitzen and Oberfeldmarschalls von Rumsfeld findin’ themselves in the dock at the Hague some rainy Monday mornin’.
About ten thousand times more likely would be for the GOP geniuses to miscalculate how dearly their neo-Iraqi subjects love them, and so permit a plebescite about sellin’ the former Iraq to Crawford Inc. lock, stock and barrel, and then be shocked (shocked!) at the negative results. They have already done essentially that in Peaceful Freedumbia itself (December 2005) and in Gentile Palestine (January 2006), so one can confidently affirm that they are quite dumb enough to do such a thing. Doin’ the same dumbness three times in a row, however, may be more than one should expect even from alumnuses of Yale College and the Harvard Victory School.
They might conceivably make another referendumb mistake, however, whereas to empower and embolden the [exp. del.] United Nations is just plain off the AEI-GOP-DOD stupidity scope altogether.
[2] I disregard the fever swamps of Hyperzionism and jihád careerism.
[3] An analyst might plausibily analyse that it is the immediate availability of so many armed operatives of AEI-GOP-DOD to the collaborationist pols of the I. Z. neorégime that must prove their undoing at last.
Mr. James Dindelow manages to sit on both sides of that fence at once in a most remarkable way: "the US military presence in the country becomes an unchallenged normality ...." Ah, but what will this unchallenged normality consist of? Not a hard question! It will consist of "permanently delegitimising a national government and fanning the flames of conflict."
Thee will remember the lady in the joke, Mr. Bones, the one who agreed that the end of the world is just around the corner, but expected that we will all get along without it easily enough?
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