The U.S. military (..) does not have an accurate tally of the number of Iraqi security forces who have been trained or who are present for duty, according to an oversight agency's analysis of Pentagon reports that was released Thursday. |
After sixty-one (61) months of unrelentin’ and steel-claptrap-minded aggression and occupation, "no accurate tally" is a notable managerial accomplishment indeed, one that the High Mammonites of the Harvard Victory School ought to signalize in a suitable way. A public bonfire of revoked MBA diplomas might do, assuming that they retains copies of such things for their own records. [1] In a pinch, revocation without bonfire would suffice to satisfy me for one, although the good post-textual folk out in Televisionland really ought to be invited to enjoy the show as well, if possible. Those of ’em not besotted with Boy and Dynasty and Party and Ideology have not extracted any pleasure from "their" neocolonies for a long time now. I fear they simply lack the background to profit from the funny side of Rear-Colonel F. von Kagan and the other merry men of Kennebunkport-Crawford.
But before continuing in that vein, sir, let us shoot the messenger a little. The messenger above was ’Aswát al-‘Iráq, an organ which may be in mortal throes even without any additional shooting. It is no good sign that they have started to emulate the greedies of Slogger City and recycle material from the Los Angeles Times (in today’s particular case ) or from the Anglo-Arabian Press Trust instead of themselves providing invasion-language and Sunninterni journalism with fresh facts and original analysis from Tigris River City and all the diverse regions and well-fruited provinces of Peaceful Freedumbia.
If the voicesters are terrorized of getting themselves assassinated should they wander more than five or ten klicks from the International Zone, it would be very heartless to call upon them to do so. Far be that from us, Mr. Bones! If so, however, the signs of the times are looking gloomy for many others beside themselves -- fat Freddy of AEI, to begin with. Whatever the cause or reason, the fact is that VOI did not adopt the inglorious scavenger life style until perhaps a week or ten days ago. [2]
Meanwhile, back at Rancho Crawford,
The study was done by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Reinforcing earlier findings, Special Inspector General Stuart W. Bowen Jr. and other officials said the data being provided to the U.S. military were inaccurate. "If you say you have 10 people ready to fight but three are injured or killed, you don't have 10 people ready, you have seven," said Kristine R. Belisle, a spokeswoman for the inspector general. "So it is a very misguided and misleading number." The study, which reviews Pentagon progress reports on Iraq, also notes that there is no way of knowing how many of the men who were trained remain in the force. As a result, the U.S. military lacks an assessment of training rates. |
Aha! The voicesters passed over the minor detail that "their" own "countrymen" are accused of supplying the Occupyin’ Party with phony data that are [?] not what data ought to be. Very watan-nationalistic of them, I’m sure. The firm of Lynx, Badger, Cartoonoclastes ought to put them in for a gold star, second class. Myself, though, I’d have told it like it is and then editorialized a little about the Division of Labour. It is, by and large, GOP geniuses rather than Marvins the ARVN who come equipped with Harvard Victory School MBA’s, after all, so wouldn’t aggressions and semiconquests and occupations be conducted for Uncle Sam on a sounder and cost-efficienter basis if Big Party palefaces did the accountin’ jobs? [3]
But God knows best. Happy days.
[1] I assume, admittedly without inquiry, that the archpriesthood by the Charles have managed to keep proper track of their shock troopers. Probably it is mainly when spendin’ other people’s trillions that the HVS QC systems tend to break down.
[2] Their fluency in the Language of Invasion has been declining gradually for a more extended period of time. Still, if they now have to hole up in the IZ and stand a seige, literal or virtual, perhaps they will have more opportunity to spiff up their Texan. Might they have been relying on some expat Brit to correct their copy who has fled in (unwarrantable) alarm at the prospect of a personal Saigon-helicopter moment? Though Teddie Tarjuman might equally well have switched to a different hotel lobby and taken a job with the slogger bozos at ten times the salary....
They may have started scavenging well before I noticed, because I would have sailed straight by this specimen, had I already looked at the Times.
[3] Not even worth hooting at is the objection that a sensible practical arrangement like my humble suggestion might somehow infringe one of the Four Pillars of Piffle, the sovereignty and independence and constitutionalism and democracy of the I.Z. neorégime.
Let us please attempt to be serious, ladies and gentlethugs!
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