21 April 2008

Au moins, il est différent

Well, and what have we here, Mr. Bones?

Two days ago, I [ ‘Abbás b. al-Walíd b. Jaháma b. Hawázin al-Na‘ímí ] watched an al-Khoei family member [Jawád b. X b. Muhsin (... b. al-Husayn b. ‘Alí b. ’Abí Tálib ... b. Quraysh) al-Khú’í] on al-Arabiya, he said that Muwaffaq al-Rubiaye came to talk to him about reopening the case, he seemed a little irritated [to be involved at all]. First he said that al-Khoei's case was never closed in the first place so that is shall be reopened, which directly contradicts what Rasim al-Marwani, a Sadrist cultural advisor, who repeatedly said that al-Khoei family themselves had "dropped the case which was setted in good will." And second he said that too many people have used al-Khoei's murder as political leverage, which is of course a direct jab at Ibrahim al-Jaffari's stint as PM in 2005 during which he ignored the murder due to the backing of the Sadrists which directly gave him the PM position, but he could have also been referring to this recent request by al-Rubaiye, especially as he didn't really seem to be supportive of it and seemed rather annoyed at all of them.

Another al-Khoei family member, Hayder al-Khoei, writes in his blog "Eye Raki" about this recent development, expecting an ominous showdown (of course, being a member of al-Khoei family it's understandable for Mr. Eye Raki not to be really objective about anything involving the man who killed his father, that is if he is indeed Hayder the son of Sayyid Majid, but re-reading Eye Raki's blog with this fact in mind the guy seems to be incredibly reasonable and objective about Iraq in general, and that is damn impressive considering his family is an extremely respected religious family which is expected to be subjective, to say the least, he is much better than other Iraqi Shi'i (and Sunni) blogs.

The blogmonger who decides to call her playpen "Eject Iraqi KKK" (rather than, for example, "Just World News") and then posts an item called "Government Aims for Muqtada’s Balls" (rather than, for example, "Fear and violence: Lessons from John Woolman" ) cannot be all bad, Mr. Bones. At least she must possess that precious "sense of measure" that M. Ourousoff used to recommend to me back in prep school. She understands that she will not be imposing her own pet druthers urbi et orbi any time soon.

The exact nature of the pet druthers in question is more difficult to establish than to commend: who belongs to the Klu Klux Klan’s branch in Peaceful Freedumbia? Where is their ejector wannabe coming from, over and above the Royal Hashimí Transjordan that she admitted to, or pretended at, in her autoblurb? A quick glance around the joint reveals

Iraq is fucked up, here's why, I must say that Patrick Cockburn is go(o)d.

That's in the PREVIOUS POST dated 18 Rabí‘ al-’Awwal 1429 intitulated "Iraq is fucked up and here's why I must say" [presumably the saying was, on that occasion, that Mr. Cockburn is not only virtuous and meritorious but immortal and possibly omnipotent]. Those expletives get boring fast, yet once again, anybody who wants to burn incense to that kind of PC cannot be all bad. On the other hand, Ms. Ejectrix (let us dub the Cockburn groupie provisionally) is not any more all good than is her Brit guru. She does not care to expose herself to being contradicted, for one thing. [1]

Her pal "Eye Raki" is simply not in the same class. Sayyid Haydar b. Majíd b. Muhsin b. ... b. Quraysh must have intended that monnicker as some sort of joke, but who can make out what joke it was supposed to be? Something about washing the proverbial beam out of one’s eye with brandy, perhaps? "Does not parse, does not construe." Plus M. Raki is well off the right edge of the earth, Mr. Bones. Take a look at his list of IRAQI BLOGS, which is as impeccably sectarian as the opinion columns of the Wall Street Jingo: nobody is goin’ to develop a taste for Prof. Cole or Cartoonoclastes or "Riverbend" if he can prevent it! [2]

Ms. Ejectrix herself is no foul-mouthed variation on the rigorously impartial Sunni-lovers of Mu’ámara Junction, she seems more a cross between "Ibn Warráq" and Henry Louis Mencken, to judge by her "monkeybrains" and her "boneheaded supernatural take [on] the world." Voicì:

Everybody in the government, including the Sunnis, and most recently, Iran, have supported the government against Muqtada, who has came back to Najaf ; recent news items talk about Basra breathing a little air after months of religious monkeybrains. So why is this happening all of a sudden, I don't want to get my hopes up as the Badrists/Iraqi Government/and even the Amreekan have played forbidden detente football with Muqtada for years now, so what has suddenly prompted this sudden rush to crush him? (Amreekans still seem reluctant about it.)[2]

Nobody knows for sure, maybe they were encouraged by Muqtada's declaration to disappear for a while and focus on his college education, but the obvious reason is the municipal council elections, which sits as a pragmatic selfish explanation that sits in line with what has been happening in Iraq until this point, however, even if that is indeed true, I do wish that the Sadrists are destroyed in the long run and are not as powerful as everyone expected them to be, first, having one militia around is better than two, and second, the Badrists, as evil as they are, seem to be more negotiable than Qrazy Qaddo and his boneheaded supernatural take of the world, the only people who expressed sympathy were either opportunists who calculated so as to slide with the more populist Sadrists to advance their own careers such as Ibrahim "Lazga" Jaffari [3] and Ahmed "Slimesnake" Chalabi, or Ba'athis who really have no love for them but use them to prove that their resistance is pan-Iraqi [4], the Sadrists have completely destroyed their own nationalistic credentials in their post-2006 killing spree, before which only Badr, with its covert sneaky assassinations, were being pointed at as the extremist Shi'i.

But then the rest of it -- which I shan’t swipe, look at the trouble Dr. Tchélabí got himself into by swindlin’ Royal Hashemite Transjordanians! -- would pass for ordinary Sunninterní rah-rah-rah in isolation -- "Abu Deraa is back, and now it’s to be 'No more Mr. Nice Guy'!"

Oh, well. God knows best. Allow me to wish thee happy days, O Bones!

[1] Perhaps that foible mostly only proves her a true blue sea-might Levantine? Perhaps.

[2] Did she scribble that before Miss Condoleeezzza went to New Baghdád to hold Núrí Kamál's hand, like Thetis with Achilles? Or does Ms. Ejectrix maybe think the nature of that human event was not what the invasion-language press makes it out?

[3] Possibly "lazija a (lazaj, luzúj) "to be sticky, ropey, gluey, viscid; to stick, cling, get stuck (bi- to)" at H3 864a. And possibly something else altogether.

[4] Possibly a (hostile, bless her heart!) student of Dr. Cartoonoclastes and Ms. Lynx. And possibly not.

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