13 March 2012

"the NYPD is increasingly derided"

Dear Dr. Bones,

It was a dark, stormy night. The Jumblies were far out in the Whight Sea, as they complacently supposed, in their goodship "Western Sieve," as they had been for over a century [1], when suddenly the unmistakable sound of surf on a rocky shore . . . .

’Ammá ba‘da, "but seriously,"

I just this minute realized that Fairembalance, the Fox Goddess, requires the recognizer to recognize that kiddie selfservatives exhibit a certain praiseworthy consistency in bein’, as most of ’em seem to be, at once Islamophobes an’ practitioners of (what I seem to remember that we once agreed to call) "reverse envy," their self-passionate fear an’ loathin’ of any hint that persons plainly worse off than the kiddies themselves might be closing the gap. (Invidia proper must be directed at one’s Betters.) The idea that the abhominable Muzzies are gonna overrun Wunnerful US before the end of the next Congress is about as dotty as dottiness gets.

Some of the bestembrighter Kiddiemasters have vaguely noticed that is not really all that much to be terrorized of, an’ adjusted their whight-noise machines accordin’ly. Among these is, evidently, Adam, zeroth Freelord Turner in the neopeerage, who has hitherto, ¡qué lástima!, eluded the attention of the present keyboard. Such moderate neo-militants admit, by their own original (¿?) arguments if not expressly, that their Party Neocomradesss Ch. K. N. Little has maybe exaggerated the Muzzie Menace a little. In the scribble at hand, we find the criminalien fiends postponing their vile schemes to take away the kiddies’ Kountry altogether in favor of a sort of preliminary sortie aimed at one of Rio Limbaugh’s most precious body fluids, namely the kiddiecons’ Freedumb of Speech. The goodship "Western Sieve" is not gonna founder altogether, at least not immediately, but she *is* in gravest danger of bein’ boarded an’ taken by crudthirsty pirates who will slit throats--figuratively, but not on that account any less unacceptably--if they hear even a single faintly discouraging word about _’Alláh_ and a’ that.

This scandalous sievejackin’ has already started: it has come to his freelordship’s attention that "the NYPD is increasingly derided for being anti-Muslim." [2] I trust I need not point out to the Muses or to you, Dr. Bones, what obamanations of desolation lie in wait at the bottom of *that* slippery slope. Why, next thing you know, ¡... Kankakee ... psoriasis ... broken-window effect ...!

But I beg your opardon, you can of course do that parlour game for yourself, and it is far better fun to play than to watch.

(( But ¿What was M*h*mm*d doing in front of the beer bottle? ¡Kankakee demands to know! ))

Happy days.

[1] Remind me from time to time, please, of my project of looking out who first invented the "Western Civilisation" ideoproduct, and exactly what ax she was grinding. WC cannot have been a self-servicin’ Judæostatist gimmick *originally*, that way the chronology would be upside-down. I think I told of my unverified guess that originally everybooby Euro on the wrong side of the Alps, whwther geographically or dogmatic-mythologically, was proposed to be written off as merely Southern civilians--slacker devotees of "olives, vines and vices," witless worshippers of Bread, &c. &c.

[2] Quick, quick: ¿Can you, sir, without clicking on the freelordly link, make up a good joke against Gotham City’s finest that also panders to Muzziedom? ¿Even a not-so-good joke?

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