28 September 2012

A Hearty Plea from the _Fehrnstrom Fishwrap_

A plea for U.S. to engage
By Boston Herald Editorial Staff | Friday, September 28, 2012 | http://www.bostonherald.com | Editorials

Perhaps having failed to get a face-to-face meeting with President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the megaphone of the U.N. General Assembly to make his point that there is little time left in the fight to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon — a cause Obama insists he is committed to. “At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting atomic bombs and that’s by placing a clear red line on Iran’s nuclear weapons program,” Netanyahu said. “Red lines don’t lead to war; red lines prevent war.” And with the help of a rather simple graphic — based on public reports by the U.N.’s own nuclear watchdogs — he insisted that Iran is well within its second stage of uranium enrichment.... (...) He made the requisite pitch for a peace process with a “demilitarized Palestinian state” that would recognize Israel’s right to exist only to be followed at the podium by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accusing Israel of “a campaign of ethnic cleansing” for building settlements in east Jerusalem. “We won’t solve our conflict with libelous speeches at the U.N.,” Netanyahu had said moments earlier. Nor will the problems of the Middle East — Iran, the conflict in Syria, the virtually stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority — be solved by a president and an administration that are derelict in their duty to engage on those issues. To relinquish that authority is to create a vacuum that other players, like Russia’s Vladimir Putin, are all too eager to fill.

Q What do the editorial-anonymous Fingers of Fehrnstrom have in mind, exactly, when they preach 'engagement' to the freedummies?

A. A red line.

Q. Would that be an Alewife-Ashmont red line, or Alewife-Braintree?

A. Oh, definitely the former. Everything with a 'brain' in it has been conceded to Perfesser Warren and Mr. Chamberlain in advance.

Nevertheless, the Fingers DID almost, though not quite, notice how Magnifico Megalator thinks he's the Headmaster of an idiot school servicin Rio Limbaugh an Louisedayhicksville. "A rather simple graphic" is only in the warning zone, there is no immediate emergency, but the Tel 'Aviyv authorities would do well to assume that wombschoolin has not yet reduced the Tee Putty of central North America to PERFECT malleability. That it may never do so, even. Meanwhile, the closer you come to total malleability, the worse trouble you will be in, should your patients nevertheless start feelin that (what is left of) their intelligence has been insulted.

Lifting one's eyes from the local journalistic gutter, one must allow that "“We won’t solve our conflict with libelous speeches" was pretty nifty, agitpropwise. It happens to be the truth, which is never a bad thing for the agitpropper to deploy, provided nothing more important must be sacrificed. [*]

Happy days.

[*] The freedummies, or their Freelords an Kiddiemasters, may not altogether agree with Paddy's off-the-mouse generalization.

Lately the makin of libelous speeches (sc., against othervolks' religionism) has made a major come-back in whight-ring circles. Now of course conflict resolution is not exactly the point of insistin that Wunnerful US ought to be as rude as possible about Natives. Apart from the narrow interests of _jihaad_ careerists, the object of this exercise appears to be to make sure Amendment I to the Fedguv Constitution gets enough exercise so that it does not rust, or lapse into obesity, or whatever fate it may be that befalls amendments when they go ahoo.

Should these, the Calisthenics of Freedumb, as it were, lead to even more difficulties for our Native Management specialists and violence pros, well, that may or may not be accounted a misfortune at Wingut City, but it is certainly not a reason for the cits to abstain from what they have every whight to do.

27 June 2012

"Not much of a line"

Robert Fisk Demonizes Mideast’s Persecuted Christians
Posted By Raymond Ibrahim On June 26, 2012 @ 12:00 am....

Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for the UK’s widely-read Independent, recently showed why it is that Islamic jihadists and terrorists, including the late Osama bin Laden, strongly recommend his propaganda to Western readers.   In a recent article Fisk goes out of his way to demonize the abused Christian minorities of the Middle East for supporting those secularist leaders most likely to preserve their freedoms and dignity.   For instance, after portraying the Middle East’s “old guard” in the worst possible terms, he complains that “Ahmed Shafiq, the Mubarak loyalist, has the support of the Christian Copts, and Assad has the support of the Syrian Christians. The Christians support the dictators. Not much of a line, is it?”

(( ... whine ... whimper ... yimmer ... yammer ... ))
Moved by self-modesty, or whatever, M. le baron d’Ibrahime leaves unquoted Comrade Fisk’s really unforgivable analysmear:
But I am also aware that the Shafik warriors, those in Washington who want Shafik to restore Egypt’s old relationship with Israel, those who want, in effect, to restore Mubarak’s dictatorship, to recreate the old paradigm (Mubarak "stability" versus the old fear of Muslim Brotherhood), will want to pump up Christian fears and frighten the West with the awfulness of "Muslim fundamentalism", will pop up their heads again as surely as Assad. And as the Republicans close in on Obama, will they not show their love for Mubarak’s last Prime Minister?
One could argue, I suppose, that what that paragraph mostly proves is that Robert Fisk has inadequate notions of America’s Otherparty, the vast majority of whom--not Party base-and-vile alone, but certified G.O.P. Geniuses also--don’t waste more than fifteen seconds a week moanin’ over the woes of the Neolevant. Maybe not three seconds a week since they gave us the Crawford Crash.

I can imagine some court historian to Princess Posterity maintaining, more or less seriously, that General Mubárak fell because his ideobuddies at Washington, and Tel ’Avîv, and Rio Limbaugh FL, and Pajama Junction NJ, were too worried about the state of their secret-sector financial portfolioes to pay proper attention to Problems of Native Management.

That may be overspecific, and I would not dream of insisting.   In a broader and more general way, however, the jihád-careerist community, to which M. le baron so beautifully belongs, are probably in for a bumpy ride.   More and more often, nifty schemes of Native Management will run into an immoveable object called Grover, Freelord Norquist.  Clever, but pricey, neoplans will be hooted at disrepectfully with short-sighted but crowd-pleasin’ folly like "¿Hey, Bozo, didn’t anybody tell you we are broke?"

Bozo, that is to say, M. le baron d’Ibrahime, may be further discouraged if the Great Frakkin’ Bubble takes off the way it might.   Mostvolks here in the Heimatland G*ttes would be happy to possess more "energy independence." Jihád careerists, however, are definitely NOT mostvolks when it comes to fossil fuel, and a number of other specialised points. [*]

Oh, well, one can hardly expect to please absolutely everybooby.

Happy days.

[*] As homage to Fairembalance, the Fox Goddess, let me insist that only the greediest of oncological entrepreneurs would positively wish there were more cancer in the world. What we run up again with the collective self-interest of quacks or J. C.’s is no worse than the Rev. Clough’s update of Commandment VI: "Thou shalt not kill, but needst not strive, / Officiously to keep alive."

23 May 2012

Olives, Vines, Vices, Bin Ledeen

Dear Dr. Bones,

Scribblin’ for pajamaclad masses that yearn to ¡take their Freedumb back! is hardly the ideal context in which His Eminence, Michael Grand ’Ayátalláh Bin Ledeen, can show that he really does know quite a lot about Italy. Most of this knowledge is at whight angles with what the Squire of Simon Pajama --an’ World’s Greatest YaleoDraama™ist, never forget that part--considers that Master Wally Wombschool an’ Cindy from Wasilla ought to be hearin’ about the miserable Old Euroes.

As you can see at a glance, O Bones, the Kiddiemaster gets his way an’ the kiddies get this Procrustean gunk, Berlusconistán

tarted up [1] to sound like North Korea.

And the moral of THAT is, "She who pays the piper, calls the tune."

Under the mercenary circumstances Paddy and Eye are not even sure that Muscle Mikey is bein’ honest with the kiddies of Pajama Junction NJ about his personal freelordly druthers. I guess we have to stipulate that he is, however, in which case it seems clear that the place he would fit in best is "Ancient Poland," as Pani Landowska called the splendiferous Rzeczpospólita of Century XII-XVIII-LV. There may have been --nay, there were--various other problems that some have considered pretty severe, but plainly the Wicked State did not have its vacuum cleaner plugged into one’s wallet pocket the way Uncle Sam (an’ the late Uncle Silvio) plug themselves in nowadays. Such Wicked State as was permitted to exist in good King Veto’s Golden Commonwealth knew its place, understood that it existed on sufferance for the convenience of Lubomirscy, and Radziwillowie, an’ Bin Ledeens, an’ Simons Pajama (also of Willards Mitt Romney), not their freelordships for State convenience.

This destination being, alas, out of reach until the Jobcreationist ©ommunity (_¡regina in æternum vivat!_) get the bugs out of the time-travel product, I guess the ideal slot for the Whight Reverend Bin Ledeen would be something like C. S. O., Chief Spiritual Officer, to the Cayman Islands. Presumably this position does not exist at the moment, but ’twould be easy enought to innovate it, much easier than makin’ ¡jedz, pij, i popuszczaj pasa! available to his freelordship. They gotta have at least one decent hotel down there the Rev. Mikey could guru it out of.

Those for whose convenience the Cayman Islands exist (quâ pseudopolity, I mean, not just geographically or geologically) rarely actually visit the [exp. del.] place, I believe. ¿Ain’t globalisation wunnerful?   Muscle Mikey, however, ought to be physically in residence most of the time. Bein’ but a Spiritual officer, his freelordship should have it made very plain to him that "First Estate" is strictly a phrase of courtesy, and does not involve any firstness that would put one even on a par with such goodvolks as Really Matter [*], Lubomirscy, an’ Walkers Bush, an’ Willards Mitt, an’ Koch Frères, an’ Berlusconiowie, an’ . . . .

Happy days.

[1] The uptartin’ is a curious business, though Eye do not care to get launched into more scribble about it than Muscle Mikey merits. Which ain’t a whole lot.

Briefly, though: take "discovery of financial corruption at the highest levels of the party."

Now Italy, and à fortiori the Lombard League, in fact exist more for the Berlusconioid Class convenience than _vice versâ_, so ¿What else would one expect?   Perhaps his freelordship cherishes the noble hope, even the dotty anticipation, that one day scab pols will scab for their Betters without any recompense whatever, disinterestedly an’ out of sheer _geistlich_ admiration for Betterness-as-such.   Professional FirstEstaters like His Eminence *do* have a tendency to fall into that hire-minded type of sandtrap, after all.

Whereas ignorant lay sheeps like the Muses and you, Dr. Bones, and Paddy and Eye think we know better than to hold our breath waiting for præternatural wunners to come to pass.

[2] The whight-wing Tanks of Thought are infested with "small people" who could do with havin’ this lesson rubbed into ’em with maybe a bullwhip.   But Eye digresses.

13 March 2012

"the NYPD is increasingly derided"

Dear Dr. Bones,

It was a dark, stormy night. The Jumblies were far out in the Whight Sea, as they complacently supposed, in their goodship "Western Sieve," as they had been for over a century [1], when suddenly the unmistakable sound of surf on a rocky shore . . . .

’Ammá ba‘da, "but seriously,"

I just this minute realized that Fairembalance, the Fox Goddess, requires the recognizer to recognize that kiddie selfservatives exhibit a certain praiseworthy consistency in bein’, as most of ’em seem to be, at once Islamophobes an’ practitioners of (what I seem to remember that we once agreed to call) "reverse envy," their self-passionate fear an’ loathin’ of any hint that persons plainly worse off than the kiddies themselves might be closing the gap. (Invidia proper must be directed at one’s Betters.) The idea that the abhominable Muzzies are gonna overrun Wunnerful US before the end of the next Congress is about as dotty as dottiness gets.

Some of the bestembrighter Kiddiemasters have vaguely noticed that is not really all that much to be terrorized of, an’ adjusted their whight-noise machines accordin’ly. Among these is, evidently, Adam, zeroth Freelord Turner in the neopeerage, who has hitherto, ¡qué lástima!, eluded the attention of the present keyboard. Such moderate neo-militants admit, by their own original (¿?) arguments if not expressly, that their Party Neocomradesss Ch. K. N. Little has maybe exaggerated the Muzzie Menace a little. In the scribble at hand, we find the criminalien fiends postponing their vile schemes to take away the kiddies’ Kountry altogether in favor of a sort of preliminary sortie aimed at one of Rio Limbaugh’s most precious body fluids, namely the kiddiecons’ Freedumb of Speech. The goodship "Western Sieve" is not gonna founder altogether, at least not immediately, but she *is* in gravest danger of bein’ boarded an’ taken by crudthirsty pirates who will slit throats--figuratively, but not on that account any less unacceptably--if they hear even a single faintly discouraging word about _’Alláh_ and a’ that.

This scandalous sievejackin’ has already started: it has come to his freelordship’s attention that "the NYPD is increasingly derided for being anti-Muslim." [2] I trust I need not point out to the Muses or to you, Dr. Bones, what obamanations of desolation lie in wait at the bottom of *that* slippery slope. Why, next thing you know, ¡... Kankakee ... psoriasis ... broken-window effect ...!

But I beg your opardon, you can of course do that parlour game for yourself, and it is far better fun to play than to watch.

(( But ¿What was M*h*mm*d doing in front of the beer bottle? ¡Kankakee demands to know! ))

Happy days.

[1] Remind me from time to time, please, of my project of looking out who first invented the "Western Civilisation" ideoproduct, and exactly what ax she was grinding. WC cannot have been a self-servicin’ Judæostatist gimmick *originally*, that way the chronology would be upside-down. I think I told of my unverified guess that originally everybooby Euro on the wrong side of the Alps, whwther geographically or dogmatic-mythologically, was proposed to be written off as merely Southern civilians--slacker devotees of "olives, vines and vices," witless worshippers of Bread, &c. &c.

[2] Quick, quick: ¿Can you, sir, without clicking on the freelordly link, make up a good joke against Gotham City’s finest that also panders to Muzziedom? ¿Even a not-so-good joke?