Today we have a little snippet in which both exotic neo-Muslim and ganz heimatländisch losers profit nothin’ from their loss:
... a Georgetown University professor ... argues that "prison itself -- which under Bush carried at least the prospect of being seen as 'living martyr' for al Qaeda -- would lose some of its status under an Obama administration." I'm inclined to agree with Andy McCarthy who writes, "What we don't yet seem to grasp, even after all that's gone on these last two decades, is that our politics and our law are of interest only to us. They matter nothing to jihadists. . . .[Mohammed] doesn't see Bush or Obama. He sees an American president. He sees a symbol -- the embodiment of a people and culture that are his mortal enemy." What Mohammed may actually see at this point is Route 1 to the virgins, at least until that military judge threw up a potential roadblock. The rest is detail. This is not to deny that President Bush has achieved "iconic status," but rather to suggest that he has achieved it mainly among Georgetown professors and Washington Post reporters. To them, if not to Khalid Sheik Mohammed, there is more status in being a prisoner under President Bush than under President Obama. |
Mohammed of the Original Square Brackets is the "Khalid Sheik Mohammed" who has "confessed to planning 9/11."
Neocomrade A. C. McCarthy cropped up in our last thrilling episode. Master Andrew is the sweet puppy that goes with the doubly quoted barkin’ about “If we don’t suppress Iran, Syria, the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the Sunni terror funding stream in Saudi Arabia, we can’t win in Iraq.” By his own weekly standardisation thus expressed, Señorito McCarthy is a fivefold loser at the moment in the Middle East alone. For present purposes, though, his losses of 4 November 2008 will suffice.
M. Mohammed is a loser left over from 11 September 2001, whose losses consist precisely in being left over. Where, oh where, is Ms. Shaháda hiding when thee really want her?
The snippet was concocted as a neocomradely response to a Washington Post article of 9 December in which the customer is introduced to "Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism expert and professor at Georgetown University." Little Andy's factious venom makes clear that little Andy thinks Big Bruce was a winner on Election Day, but the honourable and gallant himself probably thinks he is just perpetratin’ Weberian value-free social science. Actually, Big Bruce's C.V. sounds distinctly neocomradely to me, especially "Scholar-in-Residence for Counterterrorism at the Central Intelligence Agency between 2004 and 2006." Little Andy may be singin’ them sans-peur-et-sans-research blues again. Still, Big Bruce’s Tendenz is not vitally important to this saga no matter what it may be.
Here is Big Bruce’s social scientizin’ insofar as it was vouchsafed to the Posties:
"[The defense attorneys are] trying to milk the situation for everything they can. For both sides, reaching some kind of closure after such a long struggle is undeniably appealing." (...) Bush, who boasted of tracking down al-Qaeda's leaders "dead or alive," has consistently sought the death penalty for high-value captives, while President-elect Barack Obama has, as of yet, no such record. An execution would be a propaganda boon for al-Qaeda and would be "infinitely preferable to spending a life in prison," Hoffman said. Even prison itself -- which, under Bush, carried at least the prospect of being seen as a "living martyr" for al-Qaeda -- would lose some of its status under an Obama administration, which would probably transfer inmates from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to ordinary prisons in the United States, Hoffman said. |
Little Andy would be warranted in wonderin’ whether Big Bruce can really read the Arab Mind™ as blithely as that, but that is not what the señorito chooses to wonder. He accepts most of his neocomrade’s mentalism act, but then interprets it to suit himself. And pretty clearly Little Andy interprets it wrong.
Now I daresay it is not unlikely a priori that "our politics and our law ... matter nothing" to M. Mohammed and to most other militant extremist neo-Muslims, yet Big Bruce did not actually claim the contrary. The way the Postie reports it, one cannot make out where the alleged theological or theodical distinction between George XLIII and Barák Husáyn XLIV came from. If I had to guess myself, the prime suspect would be M. Mohammed's legal team, with "Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer" not far behind. Beltway City natives and locals like them will be reliable enough for the elephants-and-donkeys side, and they seem more likely to make up Arab Mind™ tripe and baloney to suit themselves than is Neocomrade Prof. Dr. B. von Hoffman, who ought to actually know at least a little bit about it.
From a Perry Mason viewpoint as opposed to a Neocomrade D. R. Pipes or jihád careerist viewpoint, the shysters perhaps selfishly want their client to plead guilty just to get it over with, for "reaching some kind of closure." (Naturally we are not spared a personal appearance by the tiresome and solecist C-word!) To recommend that plan to M. Mohammed, Perry Jr. may have pointed out to the faith-crazed fiend that "Bush ... has consistently sought the death penalty for high-value captives," whereas with BHO, well, who knows? Run-of-the-mill clients, those without Arab Mind™ or faith-craziness complications, would probably go for it, obviously thinking of themselves rather than of either The Brat or ThatOne™ first and foremost, maybe even thinking of themselves exclusively and altogether after the familiar manner of militant extremist Republicans.
M. Mohammed, quâ militant extremist neo-Muslim, may or may not think significantly different from a militant extremist Republican There is no way to tell how or what he thinks from Mr. Warrick's little pudding. (To be sure, it boggles the mind to fancy any of the Rancho Crawford cowpokers except -- just possibly -- Oilslick Dick Cheney pleadin’ guilty and committin’ suicide mostly to spite and inconvenience Enemies of the AEIdeology. Though equally neo-, the Party of Atwater crew are decidedly more courage-challenged than M. Mohammed’s pals.)
If Mr. Warrick concocted the donkey-and-elephant angle himself, his motive must have been to point a moral and adorn his tale with Obáma the Good radiantly outshining Dubya, the Texas Chainsaw Pardoner. Lots of fun, but not very serious. Should ThatOne™ in fact commute a death sentence on M. Mohammed, such a Greenspanoid exuberance of specifically Christian
Christojudæan charity would confirm almost beyond doubt that the man is a closet Mohammedan. Few things are less likely to happen than that thing, although it is likely enough that Mr. Warrick has not yet accurately triangulated the position of B. Husáyn XLIV on questions of foreign and invasion policy. Mr. Warrick has
So at the end of the day, when Neocomrade ‘Paul’ [1] of Power Line is pleased to revile "Georgetown professors and Washington Post reporters," thee must acquit the professor at once, Mr. Bones, and scrutinize the evidence against the reporter very conscientiously. Mr. Warrick is not to be given the kangaroo’s rush simply because it is not absolutely impossible that he is guilty. What is good enough for Gitmo Groupies would be pitch and defilement for thee and me.
Merry days.
[1] ‘Paul’ appears to be the nom de guerre of Big Management Party Neocomrade P. Mirengoff, Esq., "an attorney in Washington, D.C. He is a 1971 graduate of Dartmouth College and a 1974 graduate of Stanford Law School. He has two daughters and lives with his family in Bethesda, Maryland. Paul supports Everton FC of the English Premier Soccer League, as well as the Washington Redskins, the Washington Wizards, and the University of Maryland basketball team."
(( What's that you said, Mr. Bones? . . . Me neither. By the way, sir, despite the above data on domicile, this prize-winnin’ e-coven operates out of Claremont College. Or possibly out of Wombschool Normal University, I misremember. ))
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