The less unintelligent members of the señorito element invite Televisionland and the electorate to conclude that the anointment of J. Robinette Biden ‘means’ above all that B. Hussein Obáma thereby effectively ‘admits’ that he does not know anything much about foreign and invasion policy. That is close enough to the truth as seen at LCCS to be a bit dangerous. Fortunately the vast majority of GOP geniuses and of Big Management Party base-and-vile, both alike, are not up to exploitin’ the real weakness of it properly. The bad news, of course, is that the Commanderissimo Presumptive of GOP and AEI and EIB and NATO and Heritage and Hoover and America’s Moonpaper can probably be installed successfully quite without reference to anybody’s second bananas.
The gutter is never an inappropriate place to begin when considering the Party of Atwater, so let us hear a little kiddie analysis from the employees of His Christokorean Effulgence:
The Democratic Party elite and grass-roots members are all raving about their presumptive vice presidential nominee Joe Biden in between letting everyone know the talking point of the week -- the number of homes and condominiums that John McCain owns. The Democrats, now able to stop panicking about Barack Obama's slide in the polls, can live it up in Denver. Or can they? The fact is that the Democrats are going to have to spend this week and the next two months explaining to their voters how the "change" campaign became the "business as usual campaign" and why that is better for the country - especially for young people who had armed themselves for a generational takeover. A separate problem remains with Hillary Clinton supporters, who have refused to get over the fact that she didn't win the nomination and wasn't selected to be vice president. These people are feeling vindicated, even though this ticket represents a far better best-of-both-worlds scenario than her presence would have produced. |
Christokorean moonbats are only, at best, moonbats of an inferior sort, prone to Superstition and Enthusiasm. It would be unreasonable to raise, at their level, any tricky questions about exactly where J. Sidney McCain stands on the Change-As-Usual issue. But any fool can work out they are not interested in J. Robinette for himself, but chiefly as a Hillary-free zone, and secondarily as a specimen of Altzheimer’s fodder. If Cap’n M’Cain ever reads their editorials, a thing nigh unto incredible, maybe even he will be able to work out that he is now under no pressure to anoint either a female or a juvenile. Not that such an unorthodox anointment was likely in any case -- with the Commanderissimo it has , of course, all along been only a question of which apoplectically middle-aged, brain-dead white male should be greased. [1] We shall see, but I doubt the Atwater Party anointee will be worth commenting on, unless it be Sen. Lieberman, and in that case we shall be descanting about what an exceedin‘ly dumb Mugwump JSM is, mentioning the positivity of Holy Joe scarcely at all.
So, then, the core Christokorean analysis seems to be that Lady Rodham will win this one for the Flyboy Hero, not out of affection or ideological affinity, but because B. Hussein Obáma is in her way as much as in the Atwaterites’ way. The fact that Lady Rodham began her political evolution as a dupe of militant Republican extremism back when the Big Managers were runnin’ a Party of Goldwater rather than of Atwater is no doubt merely coincidental. Probably.
But the moonbat element have already been conferrin’ with the señorito element, it looks like: "[H]is selection reveals Mr. Obama's own insecurity about his own credentials." They drop that sentence into a remarkably long paragraph (long for a wombscholar-oriented fishwrap, that is). They drop it in, but I fail to see that they do anythin’ else with it. The rest of their piffle marches to the tune that BHO and JRB are interchangeable, "[B]oth men have been firmly ensconced on the political left when it comes to" foreign and aggression policy.
Well, perhaps the moonbats figure that the ‘insecure’ Senatorino figures that his credentials can be fixed up in a jiffy by just adding in more of the same, the supposed deficiency being strictly quantitative and not qualitative. A decent political grown-up would assume that running as a Demoncrat automatically assures BHO of whatever benefits there of that nature there may be to scarf up. In short, BHO has just wasted his vice-presidential card in order to obtain what he could scarcely have failed to possess anyway, what only a definite repudiation could have caused him not to possess. [2]
However, the ‘insecurity’ of B. Hussein Obáma is a figment, tripe and baloney concocted at, and by, and for Wingnut City and Christokorea. The Atwaterites know that themselves, since they spend the other half of their time swiftboatin’ Televisionland about BHO’s insufferable arrogance and his pluperfect and arugular élitisme. Presumably they calculate correctly that wombschoolin’ and Niederdümmung have now advanced to the point that the average swing voter is unlikely to be puzzled by a combination of Satanic superbia and a cripplin’ sense of self-unworthiness. Or do they calculate correctly that their ‘populist’ dupes and their ‘no substitute for Victory!’ dupes will never compare notes? (But God knows best what moonbats calculate!)
Here is the Moonbat Times bottom line:
The hope is that Mr. Biden will help Mr. Obama overcome a major political problem: the growing perception that he is unprepared to lead a nation at war. |
Certainly no loyal Atwaterite hopes anythin’ of that sort. I presume it must be doves and donkeys of which Christokorea sings. If one may tediously go back to the first hurdle that the fishwrap artists leaped over without fear and without discussion, does the holy Homeland, taken by and large, in fact consider Herself to be "at war" as of 23 Sha‘bán 1429, the former 25 August 2008?
If that were really the case, would not the Big Management Party’s Commanderissimo Presumptive be a shoo-in? Moonbats and señoritos and the rest of their pack as well like to wonder out loud why the Senatorino from Illinois is not twenty or thirty points ahead in the polls if he is really half so wunnerful as his swooning groupies make out, but if we assume that the Long War™ and the Kiddie Krusade™ are truths universally acknowledged, the shoo ought logically to be on the other foot, nicht wahr?
If we drag in the former Real World, it is obvious at once that nobody around these parts is at war and never was for more than a few minutes in her imagination immediately following the Pentagon/WTC attacks of 23.VI.1423. Insurance auditors have long since revised their rates for airliners and skyscrapers, and that was that, in mere Real World terms. What matters for proper evaluation of moonbattery and of the Biden anointment is not whether our holy Homeland is ‘really’ at grips with hate-inspired antagonists in a life-or-death struggle -- of course She ain’t, circumspicete, for Pete’s sake! -- but whether Televisionland and the electorate would like to think so or not. Christokorean kiddie analysis takes for granted that the Dan Quayle couch potatoes are still ‘war’ fans. Postinfantile señoritos can analyze a little better than that, perceivin’ that the Big Party’s ‘war’ has been over for quite a while now. Señoritos regret that it should be so, but by and large they do not let their hormones run away with them the way moonbats do, overrulin’ their brains as to the actual correlation of farces. Señoritos think ‘we’ oughtabe at ‘war’ against the Islamophalangitarian Terror™, but they also manage to notice that ‘we’ actually are not.
The Senatorino from Illinois and the Senator from Delaware and about ninety-eight percent of America’s party do not believe in the AEI-GOP-USIP-EIB ‘war’ either as fact or as value. The other two percent, Sec. Albright and Amb. Holbrooke and Sen. Lieberman et hoc genus omne, remain gung-ho for ‘war’ in the path of Military Humanism™, or in the path of hyperZion, or in both paths simultaneously, but these gentry are sufficiently best and brightest to see that they cannot march towards their radiant destination openly and expect to find the other 98% of us marching behind them. They appear to have figured out that they will have to conduct their ‘war’ on the side and on the sly. The Dan Quayle couch potatoes will put up with quite a lot of bipartisan CFR-Brookings-Hambaker bipartisan model ‘war’ as long as they don’t run into it on TV too often. [3]
By my analysis, then, the moonbats are badly mistaken. (Imagine that!) The Commanderissimo of AEI and GOP and Heritage and Hoover is not goin’ta collect many fresh votes with his ‘war’ mongerin’. If he does not monger with a good deal of circumspection, the Party of Atwater will actually lose votes because of their ‘war’. Not a great many votes, probably, and assuredly not enough to cost Atwaterism the election single-handed, but still . . . .
Since BHO does not suffer from the ‘problem’ that America’s Moonpaper professes to have diagnosed, it follows that Sen. Biden cannot be the solution to it. Perhaps there would be more to say for kiddie analysis if they had scribbled about Obamatan unpreparedness simpliciter instead of "unprepared to lead a nation at war." Such analysis would be more suitable to the former Real World, but on the other hand they "are an Empire now" [4] and furthermore J. Sidney is the new Emperor thereof. Simply escapin’ from reality does not eliminate all of the Big Management Party’s problems: to trade in reality-basin’ for Cap’n M’Cain may not prove the best bargain that moonbats and señoritos and right wingnuts generally have ever made. The GOP geniuses have rallied stoutly behind their new Commanderissimo, as necessarily they must, but the Party base and vile are rather notoriously not crazy about the Hero Aviator. When it comes to "preparedness to lead a nation at" anythin’ other than ‘war’ . . . . Well, let us say that lots and lots of good folks at Rio Limbaugh and Wingnut City think that the Big Party’s Commanderissimo is headed entirely the wrong way on xenophobia ("immigration reform") and demoplutocracy ("election reform" &c.) and the pretended global warmin’, among other items. If it was not for ‘war’ leadership, I daresay they’d have gladly let J. Sidney McCain go commanderissimate elsewhere and over others. Just like they did in 2000, before anybody dreamed of ‘war’.
This puts the extremist GOP base and vile in a position comparable to their own Boy’s position in the former Iraq: they find themselves somehow saddled with JSM, and apart from ‘war’ this saddlin’ does not make any sense, not even by the dim lights of EIB and Christokorea and Wombschool Normal U. So unless the B&V are to consider themselves demented, -- an unthinkable proposition! -- ‘war’ must be central to the electoral campaign. And then if ‘war’ is centralized in general, naturally individual campaign events such as the anointment of Joseph Robinette Biden must be furnished with an exegesis in terms of ‘war’ also. For instance,
Mr. Biden, since his election the Senate in 1972, has generally voted with the George McGovern/Ted Kennedy wing of the Democratic Party on national security issues, whether the question was defeating communism in Central America, the Reagan defense buildup of the 1980s that helped bring down the Soviet Union or the 1991 Iraq War. That said, Mr. Biden is no knee-jerk leftist, and he has a healthy tendency from time to time to turn his scorn on the political left - as he has done during the past year regarding funds for military operations in Iraq. |
Moonbats are too far removed spiritually from the holy Homeland to be expected to gauge JRB’s "healthy tendency" correctly. It was not about ‘war’ as such, it was about the Fedguv Constitution, a domestic matter that can not be expected to be of importance to Christokorean nationals. Though even they ought to be able to work out that B. Hussein Obáma can not have been attempting to annoy the "knee-jerk leftist" when he decided to anoint Mr. Biden. Sheesh!
[1] Gov. Jindal of Louisiana was briefly ballyhooed back when the Party of Atwater were still a little afraid of BHO, but of course that was an impossible scheme mentioned only in desperation. The Party of Atwater do not install their señorito element in leadership positions until they grow up to be apoplectic and middle-aged to the eye, and most likely brain-dead within.
Gov. Roosevelt of New York in 1900 was perhaps an exception, but one hundred and eight years really IS a long time in politics.
[2] On the ridiculous assumption that thee or I were campaigning for POTUSdom, Mr. Bones, such a repudiation can be imagined: we would climb up on the platform and resoundingly JUST SAY ¡NO! to the whole Albright-Berger-Holbrooke-Indyk-Lieberman-Ross cabal. Plus maybe Pan Brzezinski as well.
[3] The recent "Three Trillion Dollar War" shtyk was wasted ingenuity. The couch potatoes don’t mind what ‘war’ costs, they mind having to see it on the tube all the time even after they have plainly announced that they are bored with it.
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