A spectre is haunting the liberal elites of New York and Washington--the spectre of a young, attractive, unapologetic conservatism, rising out of the American countryside, free of the taint (fair or unfair) of the Bush administration and the recent Republican Congress, able to invigorate a McCain administration and to govern beyond it (..) a working woman who's a proud wife and mother; a traditionalist in important matters who's broken through all kinds of barriers; a reformer who's a Republican; a challenger of a corrupt good-old-boy establishment who's a conservative; a successful woman whose life is unapologetically grounded in religious belief; a lady who's a leader. |
Ideally one would like to be able to decide that Kristol Minor is kidding, but alas! like most animals, he has no sense of humour at feedin’ time. And feedin’ is exactly what that drool is all about. There is scarcely a syllable of it that the bully boy genuinely cares about or believes in, but so what? Maybe bilge and Party cries and man’s incorrigible mind -- plus womankind’s Governess Sarah Putin (sp?) -- can make sure that Commanderissimo J. Sidney gets in, and that is all that matters.
Before we have more cheap fun with Bully Boy and his Boss, Mr. Bones, thee and I might pause to wonder exactly why electing J. Sidney should be all that matters to them. Why do they bet all their chips on black, and abandon red altogether? If le rouge should come up on 4 November -- not an absolutely impossible event -- they are certainly going to have to scramble on behalf of Team Aggression. There could be a stiff uphill struggle for the weekly-standardising cuckoos before they manage to evict the family and friends of the legitimate nestholder and make the Free World™ completely safe for Rear-Colonel Freddy von Kagan once again. If I was them, I should probably be pursuing an exactly opposite strategy on the theory that there will be no difficulties for Team Aggression if Cap’n M’Cain is installed, so the thing to do is to start corrupting B. Hussein Obáma and his entourage at once, so as to minimise the difficulties that might arise down that fork of Contingency Road. For surely the true Nirvana of Murdoch and Murdochites would be for it not to make a bit of difference to their own crew’s special interests which ludicrous mob of vulgar partisans "wins" in the electoral circuses? Yet here comes Bully Boy wearing a silly hat and whanging a noisemaker and generally doing his damnedest to make himself look like only another clueless clown from the Party of Grant and Hoover and Atwater.
I suppose Baron Rupert must have decided, after deep consultations with Miss Sappy Conventionalis, that the Commanderissimo’s fate depends on making sure that the Big Management Party’s ‘conservative’ base-and-vile actually go out and vote for him in sufficient numbers. His Lordship will then have instructed Bully Boy, who is technically a citizen of the United States, to do whatever he can in that direction. Thee and I are moved only to laughter, Mr. Bones, by the spectacle that Kristol Minor makes of himself trying to comply with his latest instructions from Kangaroo Centre. In the nature of the case, however, it does not matter what thee and I make of this clownish performance, but rather what the GOP base-and-vile make of it. Probably that will not be much either way, because I do not think Bully Boy interacts with them much. If the B&V are unaware that this clownin’ comes from a Weekly Standardiser and a wannabe Weltherrscher, they are unlikely to see anythin’ special about it. [1]
As thee will have seen if thee read that footnote, Mr. Bones, we may perhaps learn something about Team Aggression by scrutinizing Master Kristol’s drool; there is scant danger that we will learn anything about practical politics. Before I lose the thought, let me suggest that we can perhaps learn a little bit about the mind of Rupert Baron Murdoch as well: is not that baloney about Governess Putin likely to be His Lordship’s notion of the ideal customer of NewsCorp? Especially the ideal U. K. customer, because, as I have suggested already, His Lordship’s green tabloid thumb is not quite so green when it gouges the holy Homeland. And speaking of ‘holy’, the drool about "life is unapologetically grounded in religious belief" obviously applies to colonial North America exclusively. Airstrip One is not much like that.
But naturally it is the mind of Bully Boy himself that concerns us most. Since thee and I are not just seeking thrills, but serious instruction, we may start from the word ‘unapologetic’ and the phrase "taint (fair or unfair) of the Bush administration and the recent Republican Congress." Not being a pro rabblerouser, Bully Boy makes certain technical mistakes like raising that parenthetical fairness issue. He stuck that bit in to please himself, obviously, but the fact that Master Wm. Kristol happens to consider the reign of George XLIII Bush a tainted thing that needs to be apologised for does not belong in this particular scribble. Saying that has not the slightest tendency to inspire the GOP base-and-vile to flock to the polls in the path of J. Sidney McCain. If the B&V notice such a self-indulgence at all, it can only cause them to wonder who Bully Boy is and whether he is entirely loyal to Boy and Party and Dynasty and Ideology. Perhaps it is harmless, perhaps it is counterproductive, but there is no positive good in it, and accordingly it ought to have been omitted.
When pro rabblerousers seek the effect that Bully Boy appears to have been aiming at, their standard ploy is to equate distance from Washington City, literal and spiritual, with wisdom and virtue, [2] making no explicit mention of taints or apologies. "Accentuate the positive, / Eliminate the negative!" "Boost, don’t knock!" And for Pete’s sake don’t talk about yourself -- not unless you’re the candidate. Sheesh!
It seems to me possible that Bully Boy does not read much of this rabblerousin’ genre that he undertakes to work in. He really is not good at it. His Lordship really ought to have assigned this particular job to one of his other wage slaves, perhaps some up-and-comin’ neocomrade over at the Wall Street Jingo. [3]
But ’tis time for some more innocent merriment:
Millions of Americans--mostly but not only women, mostly but not only Republicans and conservatives--seemed to get a sense of energy and enjoyment and pride, not just from her nomination, but especially from her smashing opening performance. Palin will be a compelling and mold-breaking example for lots of Americans who are told every day that to be even a bit conservative or Christian or old-fashioned is bad form. In this respect, Palin can become an inspirational figure and powerful symbol. The left senses this, which is why they want to discredit her quickly. |
"Her smashing opening performance," eh? Master Kristol seems blithely unaware that just the other day his own crew thought they were scorin’ scads and scads of points with Televisionland and the electorate by presentin’ B. Hussein Obáma as a mere light-weight ‘celebrity’. And then there is "a sense of energy and enjoyment and pride," which in hostile hands could easily be made to seem contemptible psychobabble: the Sarah Putin groupies like her only because likin’ her makes them feel good about themselves -- and so forth, and so on. Bully Boy cannot be much of a chess player, given his patent inability to think for his opponent a couple of moves ahead.
One more lucky dip:
[I]f Palin holds her own against Biden, as she is fully capable of doing? McCain will then have succeeded in combining with his own huge advantage in experience and judgment, a politician of great promise in his vice presidential slot who will make Joe Biden look like a tiresome relic. McCain's willingness to take a chance on Palin could turn what looked, after Obama's impressive speech Thursday night in Denver, like a long two months for Republicans and conservatives, into a campaign of excitement and--dare we say it?--hope, which will culminate on November 4 in victory. |
Apart from some additional Hope-and-Excitement gush for the ladies’ magazines, I detect here a gross overestimation of the importance of the Vice Presidency of the United States of America.
Most fascinating of all is "McCain's willingness to take a chance," which is a very two-edged sword indeed for Bully Boy to be brandishing. If the Big Party base-and-vile read Master Kristol at all (which they won’t), and if they understand the implications of those six words (which they would not have done), then the Senatorino from Cook County is in like Flynn (as of course he is not.) "McCain's willingness to take a chance" ought to scare the bejeezus out of any self-esteemin’ neo-narcissist of a ‘conservative’. This willingness is perfectly real, it is by no means a mere Marxo-Kristolio-Murdochoid ‘spectre’.
"But look at the record, O base and vile! Every time your now Commanderissimo takes a chance, who does he take it with? Always with Demoncrats and unspeakable l*b*r*ls, no? And look at the polls: after he gets in, your now Commanderissimo will almost certainly be saddled with a Congressional and Senatorial majority consisting of Demoncrats and unspeakable l*b*r*ls. I.e., the people your J. Sidney has always taken his chances with will also be the people he must compromise with if anythin’ beyond a few additional aggressions and semiconquests and occupations and quagmires overseas is ever to be accomplished! What do you think is likely to happen under those circumstances, O base and vile? That your J. Sidney will always do just exactly the libertarian thing that former Governess S. Putin of Alaska would do if she were set up as sole and unobstructed Dictatrix over the holy Homeland? ‘If you believe that,’ O base and vile, why, ‘You would believe anything.’ " [4] |
I wish thee Happy Days, Mr. Bones, trusting that a glance at Bully Boy’s scribble will make them a little happier still.
[1] To be sure, sir, the second biggest reason why thee and I laugh from it is that in fact there ain’t anythin’ special about it. Here is a credentialled Master of the Unive®se (Second Class) performing services to Party and Ideology and Commanderissimo for which Neocomradess A. Coulter and Neocomrade M. Savage would be distinctly overqualified. Any militant extremist Republican Party clown whatsoever could drool that drool.
The first biggest reason why Bully Boy is laughable chez nous is his utter insincerity, a point on which he is indeed very different from rank-and-file Wingnut City clowns. But to appreciate the difference and enjoy the fun in full one must already have a reasonably clear notion of who Bully Boy is, and who he works for, and what he and his Boss think. If one is capable of that enjoyment and actually enjoys it, one quickly finds oneself in my own present condition, discussing the quirks and quiddities of Weekly Standardisation and Murdochite libido dominandi, matters of some interest, indeed, yet extremely remote from the main stream of human events in the holy Homeland.
[2] Given a Big Party ticket that need not appeal to anybody who lives east of the Rocky Mountains, Master Kristol ought not only to have adopted the standard anti-Beltway ploy, but laid it on with a dump truck. The Commanderissimo and Mme. Putin must be positively wallowin’ in wisdom and virtue on those terms!
[3] The Big Management Party base-and-vile don’t read the WSJ? Perfectly true, but then, the sweet puppies of Rio Limbaugh most assuredly do not read the Weekly Standard either. I believe His Lordship still owns the New York Post? Perhaps we should take a look over there to see what they have to say about Governess Putin.
[4] Duke of Wellington anecdote XVIII.