22 July 2008

Goofballs Hoist On Own Petard

Yo netroots: [n]aturally you want Obama to win the US presidential election, as every sensible person does, and so there is a focus on any point that is in his favor. The Spiegel interview remarks were that, and so were the Dabbagh remarks yesterday (to the effect that yes, in fact, Maliki does like the Obama plan). Which is fine as far as it goes. But here's the problem: [i]n the course of establishing and buttressing a pro-Obama point in the election campaign (a good thing in itself), you have done so in a way that very seriously distorts what is actually happening in Iraq, namely the marketing of Maliki as an Iraqi nationalist, something he is not. It isn't just that this helps give the American people a distorted picture of what is happening in Iraq in theory, more particularly it means that the American people are being softened up to accept the conversion of one form of occupation into another more indirect occupation, on the basis that in any event this is a process that is being controlled by a bona fide Iraqi nationalist leader, a ludicrous idea you are helping to legitimize. You don't have to accept everything that is said on this score by the Sadrists or the supporters of the resistance (which you don't seem to read anyway, even when I try to help make it accessible). All you have to do is remember the mega-bases under construction in the country, and what is meant by the "withdrawal of combat troops."

Golly, Mr. Bones, Cartoono the Magnificent is even cuter when he gets mad!

’Twould take a heart of stone not to laugh at the Mu’ámara Junction gentry for failing to anticipate that pretty well anybody can set up as a vicarious watan-nationalist on behalf of the former Iraq. Including that unspeakable fiend, N. K. al-Málikí himself. Obviously.

As to softening up Ms. Vox Populi, we can talk about that if and when there is something to talk about.

Allow me to wish you Happy Days, sir!

The biter bit!

(As good as those O'Henry stories where the conmen get conned and then puff themselves up against swindlin' like poisonous toads!)

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