Both the Egyptian and Jordanian regimes have concluded that the Palestine-Israel talks are dead ... an undiplomatic and possibly historic Mubarak-Bush dust-up at a Sharm-el-Sheikh conference ... [Jordan might] do well to seek out a better relationship with Iran ... Bush, in order to cover the fact that the Palestinian talks were a failure, started blathering about the promotion of democracy in the Mideast ... the Arab nations will not be providing cover for any agreement that does not satisfy the Palestinians ... Bush [has been unmasked] as "a failed president", and his speeches as "fatuous" (or "idiotic") ... the combination of Bush-policy failures in Palestine and Lebanon both .... |
Lynx, Badger, Cartoonoclastes LLC could even have tossed Peaceful Freedumbia into the gloating pot along with Egypt and Jordan and Lebanon -- were the gentry willing to risk seeming to agree with Juan the Wicked , that is:
Al-Zaman reports in Arabic that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has dismissed the general in charge of the Second Division in Mosul, and has appointed in his place Gen. Abdallah Abdul Sattar. He is said to also be replacing the commanders of brigades within the division. Personally, I don't take this report as a sign that things are going well in the current campaign in Mosul. You don't change horses midstream when things are going well . |
You don’t, eh? Gosh! Don’t thee wish thee was a West Pointer sometimes, Mr. Bones, to be able to hand out tactical-operational-strategic fortune cookies like that one with a straight face? Still, perhaps one should defer judgment about Hannibal of Da‘wa’s latest stellar performances, partly on exitus probat acta grounds [1] and partly because they do not immediately involve egg on the face of Little Brother and Big Management.
If I am not as pleased as Cartoono the Magnificent is about these trends -- and I am not -- it is chiefly because he relapses when cheerful into that facile Palestinocentricity that has afflicted the Sunní International for decades. Once he wanders off onto that moonbat tangent, he forgets about the comparatively adult and responsible part of his own day-to-day conspiratorializing. All of a sudden, the good Arab Palace folks are not half so bad as street Arabs usually account them: "Come home, little Husní, all is forgiven! (As long as you trip Dubya up in Palestine, that is.)" [2] [3] Yuck.
[1] Unbadgered press reports advise that Hannibal has already kidnapped over a thousand Criminal Militia Members in and around Mosul. That sounds an impressive achievement, until thee remember, Mr. Bones, that there are still about two million potential CMM's left walking the streets.
The Al-Quds al-Arabi reporter explained [that] when an Arab leader of the experience of Mubarak says a thing like that [about not providing cover], you can take it as an anticipatory death-certificate for any further negotiations; and more particularly that the remark "reflects information confirming that the talks have reached a dead-end". And the Al-Quds reporter notes that the semi-official Egyptian paper Al-Jumhuriya described Bush as "a failed president", and his speeches as "fatuous" (or "idiotic"), something that paper would not have published without a green light from the powers that be. Egyptian authorities clearly hoped he will not be back, ever, the journalist adds. |
[3] To be fair, Cartoono does not go so far as to say anything nice about Messrs. les altesses royales du Ryad. He could easily do it, too, provided the scrupulous gentry of Mu’ámara Junction do not mind appearing to agree with an unsigned editorial of the Wall Street Jingo that it counts as more egg on Little Brother’s chin that Himself should be forced to go beg and plead with the masters of the Gulf of Petroleum -- to go and beg and plead pretty much in vain.
Here again there is no direct Palestine connection, however, which may sufficiently explain the omission by itself. On the other hand, Cartoono is by way of being a free-lance Huntin’tonian Clashist who thinks broadly that economic motives are dreadfully passé and infra dignitatem in this year of religionism 1429/2008. The precise subjective motives behind Dr. Cartoonoclastes’ vicarious chauvinism on behalf of rigourously unbiased Sunníphilia remain agreeably obscure and inaccessible to conjecture, Mr. Bones, and who does not enjoy a mystery? Yet is it not obvious that our hero is ten times closer to Clashism than to Marxism? Huntin’ton of Harvard undoubtedly gave the impression that the FFBB, "faith and family, blood and belief," that all the world would start clashin’ about so as to assure plenty of careers for defence intellectuals forever would be one’s own F and F and B and B. Uncle Sam himself never actually spelled the restriction out, though, and it is no small part of the Magnificence of Cartoono that he shows how easily it may be dispensed with.
God, however, knows best.
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