But ad rem! Here's a whiff of the smell outed:
The sources say that the unpublished part of the agreement relating to Mosul includes an agreement [between M. al-Háshimí and the Free Kurds] on the administration of Mosul that gives two-thirds of the city to the Kurds and one-third to the Arabs and the other ethnic groups, in addition to adding the district of Sinjar to the Kurdish administration. If the truth of this is confirmed, then the Islamic Party has placed itself in a very difficult position vis-a-vis the Sunni-Arab street, which will not be able to allow this to happen under any circumstances. So far the Islamic Party has refrained from commenting on this very serious report. |
That passage is a discovery, not a concoction or even a twistification, of the Mu’ámariyyans. Miss Lynx, who of course performs all the more banausic labours for her male colleagues, found it at http://news.76news.net/news.php?id=6320 . Mr. Badger -- the MJ newsroom chief, so to speak -- indicates the general nature of its aroma, "the Sunni-oriented Haq news agency," though one should be aware that that orientation is specifically towards the TwentyPercenters of the former Iraq rather than the Intergalactic Sunnintern. To be sure, a tendentious contortion like "the Sunni-Arab street ... will not be able to allow this to happen under any circumstances" gives the game away: no ideologue I know of was ever permit her crew's enemies to "be able to allow" this or that to happen. For reasons of convention rather than of logic, to bark and bellow "That is totally unacceptable!" about what one cannot begin to prevent is a joke when the other guys do it, yet nobody in the Heimatland so much as smiles when Dr. Goebbels goes on like that. (Perhaps the sweet puppies think there is a disloyalty to the team involved in any admission of impotence? But God knows best why team people like to play their silly games....)
As to the sellout rather than the Sunnianity, that smell is rather in the nostril of the besniffer. You and I, Mr. Bones, would not consider that M. al-Háshimí is well placed to sell anybody out, since he does not represent much of anybody to begin with. Indeed, his attaining to so lofty a pinnacle as the vice quasipresidency of ex-Iraq was very likely facilitated by his not representing much of anybody beyond himself. The circumstances of his exaltation are very peculiar, to be sure, a genuine curiosity for the student of Pol. Sci. to collect and treasure, because even in Peaceful Freedumbia, no Free Kurd or Twelver pol can be considered to be at an advantage because he has nobody and nothing in back of him.
So say you and I, Mr. Bones, but the anonymous street Arab quoted, like the gurus of the Mu’ámariyya who quote, believe nothing of the sort. In their alien and bewildering world, M. al-Háshimí "represents" all of GOP-occupied TwentyPercenterdom, and he may accordingly play Benedict Arnold to the same if he chooses to. As Gen. Arnold actually did, TH could maintain that he is "betraying" his own team in their own long-term best interests, a plea that seems less demented in a TwentyPercenter of the former Iraq than in a commander of Patriots. But we outside aggressors and anti-aggressors should probably avoid that sentimental variety of "seems" altogether, because it is not, after all, our team that is being discussed in conjunction with a M. Táriq al-Háshimí. Whether such a hack "sells out" in vain or becomes the all-time champion political turncoat does not have much bearing on the primary aspects of the bushogenic quagmire. It would be very unfortunate if extremist GOP schemes of aggression and prëemptive retaliation came to be regarded as having "worked" in the former Iraq -- that is the ball to keep your eye on, Mr. Bones, and if the career trajectory of M. Táriq al-Háshimí has any close connection with that, I have missed it entirely.
I have, rather impolitely, editorialized this faint whiff of news my way before taking notice of how Dr. Cartoonoclastes editorialized it the Mu’ámariyya Junction way. Like this, that was:
Myself, I think this type of horse-trading or attempted jurisdiction-swapping in the north would be consistent with a coming GreenZone musical-chairs restructuring, in the form of Hashemi buying some support from the Kurdish parties. And the musical-chairs concept, I think, is what is probably going to come out of the current "reconciliation" process, of which the next step is the officially unannounced Cairo meeting, where I think the outreach to the resistance is going to turn out to have been mostly for show. |
Since "musical chairs" is an entirely new figure of rhetoric, I am not sure whether the honourable and gallant rhetor means his stuff strictly or not. The crux of the literal parlour game is that the number of chairs is steadily reduced, so that players are compelled to drop out one by one. But since there is a certain radical looseness of thought amongst the MJ gentry, in my estimate, Cartoonoclastes may have meant no more than "merry-go-round," that is to say, a continual reshuffling of political furniture among a fixed and constant quantity of Green Zone collaborationist pols.
In any event, M. Táriq al-Háshimí in particular is not slated to drop out. On the contrary, we are told that he is going to "buy" "support." Does that mean that somebody else's "support" must dwindle? Might it mean that the "support" of poor M. al-Málikí in particular shall dwindle? If you can make anything out along those lines from this latest oracle, Mr. Bones, I hope you will share it with me. Clearly Cartoonoclastes and I do not think about political events in the same way. In this case, I'd pick up his stick by the opposite end and wonder why on earth the Free Kurds should be interested in "selling" M. al-Háshimí any more "support" than they have furnished him with already. The cartoonoclastic analysis may conceivably have something to be said for it, but at this point in the aggression, it is far easier to see how TH can advance the interests of Free Kurdistán than vice versa: in addition to helping them enlarge their holy homeland, M. al-Háshimí might be of assistance in keeping the Turks off their back, although obviously the militant Crawfordites would be more useful still in that department.
If one did not know of the mu’ámmariyyan mindset, the whole affair would be a puzzle indeed, since the Free Kurds possess nothing plausible to "buy" M. al-Háshimi's "support" with that begins to be of equivalent value. What are they going to do, let the man call himself "President of the Republic," or perhaps "President of the Council of Quasiministers"?
For you and me, Bones, that last is a rhetorical question, for even a neo-Iraqi hack pol cannot attach that much importance to empty vainglorious gauds. What on earth is this traitor to his theocommunity supposed to be selling out FOR?
Taking cognizance of conspiratorialist psychology, however, one begins to get a glimmering. Miss Lynx and Mr. Badger and Dr. Cartoonoclastes need not be supposed to account M. al-Háshimí a bubbleheaded idiot. Far more likely they have not the imagination to consider such an affair from the Hashemite standpoint at all: what, if any, "support" the traitor is "bought" with does not concern them, they arise in factious wrath that the betrayal should happen, or indeed, that it should be possible -- they arise bi-lá kayfa, as it were, "without [asking] how."
Cartoonoclastes' little joke about "the officially unannounced Cairo meeting, where I think the outreach to the resistance is going to turn out to have been mostly for show" could be taken, somwhat maliciously, for a profundity about the metaphysics of the Mu’ámariyya: Secret Truth is a zillion times more important than mere appearances, yet if it be disclosed and vulgarized -- and that seems to be what the firm of Lynx, Badger and Cartoonoclastes exists to do -- does Secret Truth not in some sense become a mere appearance too?
As usual, the Mu’ámariyya's diagnosis of its patients winds up peculiar. It sounds as if the black hats propose to reach out to "the resistance" at Cairo mostly in the form of a secret show. I daresay Humpty-Dumpty could make sense even of that, though probably nobody really needs it made sense of for mere political purposes. BGKB.
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