14 October 2007

The Upstart Affix, ossía, This Way To The E-Gress

In addition to redecoratin' other folks' Islám for 'em free of charge, Mr. Bones, our jihád careerists have designs on the language of aggression as well. At least Big Party neocomrade D. Horowitz does. Take a look at this, sir, straight from the upper left flank of the horse's anatomy as of 10/14/2007 04:18AM:

Islamo Fascism Awareness Week
Berkeley -- Nonie Darwish, October 22
Brown -- Robert Spencer, October 24
Cal Poly -- Greg Davis, October 25
Cal State Fullerton -- Nonie Darwish
Clemson -- Mike Adams, October 25
Columbia -- Phyllis Chesler, Ibn Warraq, Christina Hoff Sommers
Columbia -- Sean Hannity, David Horowitz, October 26
DePaul -- Robert Spencer, October 25
Emory -- David Horowitz, October 24
George Mason -- Luanah Saghieh, Alan Nathan, October 22
Lawrence Univ. -- Jonathan Schanzer
Maryland -- Michael Ledeen
Michigan -- David Horowitz, October 23
Northeastern -- Daniel Pipes, October 24
Ohio State -- David Horowitz, October 25
Penn -- Rick Santorum, October 24
Penn State -- Rick Santorum, October 23
Rhode Island -- Robert Spencer, October 24
San Francisco State -- Melanie Morgan, October 24
Stanford -- Wafa Sultan
Temple -- Rick Santorum, October 24
Tulane -- Ann Coulter, October 22
UC Santa Barbara -- Dennis Prager, October 25
UC Irvine -- Ann Coulter
UCLA -- Nonie Darwish, October 24
UCLA -- Frank Pastore, John Ziegler
USC -- Ann Coulter, October 25
Virginia -- Frank Gaffney
Washington -- Kirby Wilbur
Washington -- Michael Medved, October 25
Wisconsin -- David Horowitz, October 22

That scrap is worth filing away in our antidossiermonger dossier for the O.B. of it, though only after it is resorted by surnames from the second, or bozo, column with duplicates removed. Meanwhile what catches the invigilatorial eye is the authoritative neocomradely header. Should you ever resolve to pervert, Mr. Bones, make sure that what they tatoo or brand on your forehead to proclaim your new allegiance forever reads "Islamo Fascism" -- two separate words, no hyphen.

Is that how everybody at Wombschool Normal University writes it? I have no idea, actually, and even if I did, I'd continue to defer to D. Horowitz myself, him bein' stultus stultorum Dei, as it were. [0] As the Baní Chomsky decided long ago, one needs to borrow a native speaker, or at least her intuition, to decide such subtleties. On the basis of certain private communications I have tentatively concluded as follows:

(A) D. Horowitz is a bozo is perfectly acceptable, whereas
(B) *‘U. Bin Ládin is an Islamo ain't.[1]

All the same, almost the first thing I did was feed the pertinent bit of tripe and baloney to my pet google. The results obtained are not, I fear, very useful or reliable:

Results 1 - 10 of about 126,000 for "Islamo Fascism Awareness Week". (0.17 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 11,900 for "Islamofascism Awareness Week". (0.05 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 126,000 for "Islamo-fascism Awareness Week". (0.13 seconds)

It appears that hyphens and spaces inter se convertuntur over at Google Corp., not to mention UPpers and lowers, which I daresay is best for almost all inquiries other than the present one. Machines cannot be expected to know or care whether Islamo is "really a word" or not, the same way bozo is undoubtedly a word.[2] To quest for Islamo as a snark in itself is useless, but if it were a nonmythological critter, it ought to leave certain traces in the cloud chamber as it passes:

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,260,000 for Islamo. (0.05 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 843 for Islamos. (0.10 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 423 for "Islamo's". (0.17 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 843 for "Islamos'". (0.04 seconds)

Final white space is discarded, clearly. Incidentally, isn't it a bit peculiar that the name of the D. Horowitz Travelin' Circus and Brain Wash should constitute almost precisely one hundredth of one percent of all alleged snark sightings? Furthermore, Google Corp. -- those notoriously unhorowitzified friends of Globoterror -- seem to take the view that *Islamos are as mythological in the Muttersprache as *unicorns in the former Real World, wondering "Did you mean: Islamic?" [3] Of course I did not mean ‘Islamic’ at all, I meant what I keyboarded, yet perhaps we may reconsider, and even pursue these inquiries a little further:

Results 1 - 10 of about 300,000 for "Islamic fascism". (0.12 seconds)
Results 1 - 10 of about 579 for "Islam fascism". (0.11 seconds)

Your search - Muslimofascism - did not match any documents.
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,330 for "Muslim fascism". (0.50 seconds)

Your search - Islamophacism - did not match any documents.

At this point one may give the neo comrades of Wombschool Normal the benefit of the doubt and not even ask about *Islamophashism.


All very curious, but not particularly important, for we remain stern prescriptive grammarians ourselves, no devotees of the fiend Chomsky to think that usage justifies all, no matter whose usage it may be. No, sir, if the really upmarket jihád careerists [4] prefer "Islamo Fascism" Awareness Week, why, Islamo Fascism Awareness Week it shall be, then: two typographical words to the epithet, no hyphen, now and forever! If the Big Party base and vile don't like it, why, so much the worse for them!

Still, 'tis an odd linguistic choice that Party neocomrade D. Horowitz has made, and one wonders if the JC gentry propose to make a habit of it. Let's see, since they'd never call themselves jihád careerists to begin with, doubtless one will look in vain for *jihado careerist, yet why not *jihado terrorism or *jihado genocide or the like, especially from Party neocomrade Dr. Hugh Fitzgerald of JihadoWatch, who already adores that particular shtik without the extra syllable?

On the other hand, jihád already possesses jihádí if considered as a foreign word, and in most cases the Muttersprache has traditionally preferred to import both adjective and substantive as a package deal, which means, for instance, that *form consideration deserves its asterisk, and "formal consideration" is de rigeur, at least for everybody off the Wombschool Normal campus. For that matter, have we ourselves not just now been compelled to speak of "an odd linguistic choice" instead of *an odd language choice? [5]

But God knows best how Big Party neocomrades talk, or should talk. [6]

[0] Cf. Jewish pundit defends Ann Coulter / David Horowitz: 'What else would a Christian hope for?'

[1] It would be nice to have some oral and aural equivalent of that stigmatizing asterisk, or at least some standard way of wagging one's fingers in the air such as exists for "quote . . . unquote."

[2] Let's not be creative-destructive Luddites, Mr. Bones: machines can be better at some things than we are, like knowing where to hy
phenate between successive lines vertically.

[3] Actually, they left off the questiono mark at the end, a shorto cut we've been known to take in programming ourselves, Mr. Bones, amateurs that we are.

[4] Bear in mind, however, that at the very tippy top of the jihád careerism market niche, nothing that resembles this snark is ever sighted at all. Either the apex of the Big Party iceberg has foresworn "History is bunk" and recalls what Fascism meant when it used to mean something, or at least there is enough residual good taste to prefer not walkin' around with anythin' at all branded or tattooed on one's figurative forehead. Dr. Pipesovitch, for example, who assures us that he words himself very carefully and would never, ever, dream of utterin' the dread word ‘Palestine’, is extremely unlikely to be found goin' on about I***F*** of any description, save in the course of citin' some other and lesser neocomrade.

[5] When one is deliberately spoofing the bozocomrades, the stigma(tic) asterisk is ever implicit, and to insist upon "*bozocomrades" would be excessively pedantic even by Mr. McCloskey's liberal standards.

[6] You'll rather irrelevantly recall, Mr. Bones, that one of the peculiarities of F. Newman that Mr. Matthew Arnold might well have done a "vivacity" about was to maintain that Britspeak ought to have a linking vowel after the Greek manner, and hence euphonious *steamoboat would replace clanky "steamboat," and so forth and so on. Yet as with that "pitches of suchness" for "degrees of compasison" mentioned by F. Hopkins, Greater Anglophonia has failed to ascend to such elegant loftiness.

Domine, non sumus digni!

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