04 November 2011

The Arab Spring Unsprung

Dear Dr. Bones,

I suppose the Muses and you and I ought to feel gratified whenever we hear a theorist of Team Zhabotinskiy sayin’ out loud in public [1] what we have long supposed her crew to think in the comfort an’ security of the Secret Sector.

An objector might object that to speak of Pajama Junction NJ as "public" without some fairly elaborate qualification is to ask for trouble down the slippery slope.

_Respondeo_ that this is _in primis_ a problem for the Zhabotiskiyites rather than for us humble. We might be better off the less careful TZh are about distinguishin’ Foxcuckooland from the United States of America.

I only say ‘might’, however, for there *may* (I only say ‘may’) be a happy convergence of morality and policy somewhere in the vicinity of "Always better for everybooby, if everybooby sees the Correlation of Farces as the C. of F. actually is" No cloud comes without a thorn, though: that formula would make foxcuckoos an’ pajamaclads a standin’ --STANDIN’--menace to everybooby in sight, for seein’ things as the kiddiecons (or the Conners of Kiddies) wish they was is, as it were, the active ingredient in pajamatarianism.

To sneak up on the announced topic, if I may, let me suggest a counterfactual pscenario to you, as follows: ¿How if the Arab Republic of Egypt were to grow a Child’s Garden of Foxcuckoes all her own?

Few humanoid events are less likely, I know, but sometimes dotty examples are helpful by virtue of their dottiness. Or look on the flip side of it, sir, which I venture to think is hardly counterfactual at all, namely that Zhabotinskiyanity has scant hope of ever becomin’ the established religionism of central North America by cozyin’ up to our violence pros rather than to Uncle Scrooge an’ Daddy Warbucks _y Tio Ruperto_ an’ all that wing of the national family.

To recur to First Principles, sort of, ’tis "well known in the art" that to be a success at pushin’ the lesser breeds without around, a Natural Master [1] may deploy one of two (and ONLY two) quite distinct Principles: (1a) FORCE, and (1b) fraud.

Here, for example, we find _M. le baron de Roubine_ singin’ the praises of (1a) as applied to the grave problems of Native Management that Egypt undoubtedly poses. All I am doing, really, is, first, to point out that the freelordly incantation is itself an instance of (1b) conducted for the benefit (¿?) of the Kiddie Selfservative Movement here in the _Heimatland G*ttes_, and then, second and finally, add that, although in theory TZh could pull off a sort of double goose-and-gander, rulin’ Cairo UAR by fraud, an’ Cairo IL by ¡FORCE! happily ever after, yet in practice, well, ¡please don’t be dotty!

Though First Principles beckon, I believe I will stick for now to Egyptian Exceptionalism, which is not, I presume, quite altogether first-class, principlewise. For those not ourselves subjects of Pharaoh, anyway.

His freelordship seems not at all interested in Egyptian Exceptionalism, his own preferred sweet Dulcinea bein’ rather "Turkey Exceptionalism," so to call it. His freelordship winds up wonderin’, in effect, why *all* Natives cannot be more like ataturkeys. At the moment, I am not sure _M. le Baron_ would be all that happy if he got his druthers. His freelordship cloudily perceives the problem, I think, when he scribbles "Of course, the army-in-control approach requires some demagoguery . . . ."

Now this ‘demagogy’ of M. de Roubine I take to be mostly a mere verbal alias for what a recurrer-to-firsts would call _impia fraus_ and I myself am unworthily tempted to call ‘Foxcuckoldry’ The violence pros of Neoturkey, his freelordship assumes, are compelled to talk a lot of rot that they do not actually mean. If they did not, the "Turkey Street" would soon rise against them and install a different crew of gobblers who *do* take the rot in question seriously.
His freelordship’s ruminations are, as I said at the outset, of interest because one does not often encounter Zhabotinskiyians barkin’ like this in places where they might be overheard. They are not of any interest from the destructive-creationist angle, however, bein’ half as old as the Neoseemighty hills. Once Guide of All Progressive Revisionism figured out that there is only one language that Natives can be safely counted on to understand, the Roubinite neo-insight was dialectically [2] inevitable.

Just for fun, let us set out the neonegation of the negation fair and square and Hegel-fashion:

(A) Natives only understand ¡FORCE! [V. Ye. Zhabotinskiy]

(B) Some Natives don’t even understand that [common notoriety]

(C) Fortunately, there exists a class of Natives that specialize in ¡FORCE! and can therefore be talked to. [B. X. Rubin _et al._, includin’ Q. E. Demonstrandum]

E. T. Al is Legion, to be sure, but his freelordship is as entitled to his share of the pot as anybooby else.

A pity his freelordship does not discuss what to DO with his pot now that he has won it. We do not even hear any (express) words to the effect that it is the plain duty of all Zhabotinskiydom to support the good Native colonels an’ generals in their eternal stuggle against Turkey Street.

His freelordship also did not *expressly* say ‘eternal’, but I ask you, Dr. Bones, ¿Aren’t you pretty sure that that is what his freelordship has in mind?"

Meanwhile, if I were a Native violence pro, I would be a little uncertain what to make of his freelordship’s gracious endorsement, seeing that it comes without a User Manual. I mean, it must feel nice to learn that _M. le baron de Roubine_ is one’s side one thousand an’ eleven percent (1109.037%), but even nicer would be some advice about how to make sure that one’s own shall be the winnin’ side. Not only does that freelordly insinuation of ‘eternal’ emanate a distinctly dismal pænumbra over the whole _m'gillâ_, there are not any *concrete* suggestions for stayin’ empowered through, say, sunset next Thursday afternoon.

Colonel Zimmî might cheer up a litle, though, if he notices that there may soon be a sequel in store:

At any rate, this dimension must be taken into account. We probably won’t find out more until 2013, when — if all goes as planned — Tunisia and Egypt will elect civilian presidents.

Not Thursday afternoon, perhaps, but ’tis not the _Kalendæ Neohebraïcæ_ either.

I guess the Tank Thinkers figure Zimmî and the b'hoys in uniform can always overthrow President Streetarab if they must using the tanks (and, for that matter, the thoughts) they are already in possession of, and then hold on for six months or so before urgently requiring intellectual reinforcements from Freedame GLORIA . Or less spiritual succour from her effulgent freeladyship’s Stepuncle Sam.

Bomby days.

[1] For purposes of this discussion, we can prescind from taking notice of that Supernatural Mastery (® & © & ™) with which Team Zhabotinskiy has allegedly been imbued. As often happens with ideoproducts of that class, one can never catch the prefix part at work so clearly as to be entirely unmistakable. In all the ninety-five (95) solar years since Mr. Balfour of Airstrip One first swindled the Judæostatists, nothing has come to pass in the Neolevant that cannot be explained by the invocation of either fraud or ¡FORCE!. Possibly none of these explanations are really whight, possibly ‘Super-’ has been at work on the sly. The political analyst gains nothing analytically useful by so supposing, however.

(( And, to digress briefly, it at least *appears* as if the Dogmatic Mythologist acquires yet another professional perplexity, in that ‘Super-’ has achieved no better results than have the gruesome twosome of ‘F’ words. To be sure, the D.M. gentry can easily win that tie (an’ any other) to their own satisfaction by supposin’ a Supersuccess to lurk in the bosom of the existin’ Neolevantine correlation of farces, a sublime Hyperphænomenon which, exactly like the Supercauses that have produced it, is invisible to those of impure heart. ))


[2] The Beast of Berlin was not *always* wrong, Dr. Bones. And least of all about non-Anglophones.


[3] "A check or fighter squadron or two would also be not unwelcome. WWNN. As ever, Zim."

13 February 2011

South of the Rio Grande del Patxama

Dear Dr. Bones,

Sticking as usual to the literary / rhetorical / agitprop[p]er side of the path to allow impatient wingnutettes an’ wingnuts to pass on their way to that funeral they seem always rushin’ to get to in time to make quite sure it can serve as their own, I put it to you, sir, that Don Ricardito de Fernández y Podhòretz throws away most Rio Limbaugh’s -- an’ especially its own -- more promisin’-lookin’ cards in this rubber.

Consider: (A) the Greater Levant and _la América Ibérico-Indocumentada_ are rather dreadfully like one unto another, now as much as ever, and (B) the _nuevoseñorito_’s Daddy, or perhaps its Daddy's Daddy, or . . . probably lived square under the yoke of John Quincy Monroe.

Even if there are no F&P family anecdotes left over from the Banana Grande period, little Ricky could appeal to public-domain fiestaware. ¿How about, say,

Poor Egypt, ¡So far from Father Zeus, so near the Tel ’Avîv statelet!

That Antiseemighty soundbark may seem nothing very special when this coarse and illiterate and semi-Pseltic keyboard clicks it forth, but -- comin’ straight from the armadillo’s kisser, as it were, ’twould sound very different, ¿_no es verdad_?.

Instead of which we get miscellaneous scraps--scraps , I presume, intended to insinuate that the verbal ragpicker might actually know a little somethin’ more ’bout overseas than most of the Party neocomrades-- that are entirely devoid of that heart-warmin’ an’ trust-cadgin’ cor local or regionalismo y nacionalismo which we, being Ice People, very naturally crave.

To be sure, little Ricky F&P has as much right to appropriate boilerplate claptrap like _Après moi, le déluge_ or "carry cole slaw to Newcastle" -- possibly even to the occasional little exuberance of Physics Envy like "some giant unseen gravitational source" -- as anybooby else. What we have here, though, is not a _Rechtsfrage_ nor even a _Machtfrage_, but a question of rhetorical technique. If the _nuevoseñorito_ was not aimin’ at the effect created -- the "rootless cosmopolitanism" effect -- then its competence is questionable.

If, however, you decide that the R. C. savour happened by neodesign, then kindly apply your figurative Y@@ T@@be to Don Jr.’s judgment and to the señoritoly taste.[*]


More substantively, . . .

Well, I much prefer to march into ‘substantively’ from a better jumping-off point than the brain-flat terrain around Pajama Junction NJ affords.

Still, it can't hurt to single out the passage in which Don Jr. comes closest to barkin’ somethin’ of real interest for the theory and practice of Native Management:

>“In countries like Serbia and Ukraine direct and indirect U.S. aid helped youth driven opposition movements successfully oust repressive leaders by training them in non-violent civil disobedience, election organizing and other fundamentals of civil society.” [**]

However, that sentence has quotation marks around it that make no sense as a solicitation to shudder or to sneer, so I guess the jackdaw [***] picked that scrap of flash up in a dumpster somewhere an’ pecked off the designer label.

"In my end is my beginning," for ’tis plainly an offense against Comp. Lit. rather than against Mil. Sci. thus to deploy unmarked dumb-dumb neobullets.

_Els desitjo dies feliços_ (like the Natives used to say to St. George Orwell, self-fetched from afar to do them Homage.)

[*] Forget that silly proverb, please; nobody expects you to ‘dispute’ about or with so dubious a commodity as Party Neocomrade R. X. de Fernández y Podhòretz. All you need to do, sir, is CONDEMN.

Should you have forgotten how to do that less than civil trick, take two aspirins and fifteen minutes of Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh in aërial suspension. After that, the technique is bound to come back to you. Like cycling, "¡never apologize, never explain!" denigration, once mastered, is a skill that even Dr. Alzheimer can never deprive us of. Hardly ever.

[**] Though Ukrainia (_¿Quién?_) be more recent, mention of Serbia strikes me as especially good. So think about it carefully, please. Wink, wink; nod, nod.

[***] _"la gravilla" sive "Corbus monediva neoterrorica"_

11 February 2011

News from Nowhere

Dear Dr. Bones,

Helena means: "The US's neo-colonial relationship with Egypt is at risk. Roll with the punches, and we can restore our relationship to what it was (neo-colonial)." Therefore I don't see how Helena's article is critically different from Obama's speeches.

’Tis fun to find the GeorgeFoxNews account (largely based on e-ja board dispatches from special Cairo correspondent the late Dr. Pangloss) contradicted from even farther out away from Terra than Planet Justworld herself.

Nobooby is going to fool Comrade[ss] ‘Domza' with mere word games, like pretending some newfangle matronisation scheme for Native Management would significantly different from plain old patronizin’.

¡Nurse Cobban is but General McBárak writ large!

Happy daze.

(( Paddy says to tell you that, between ’em, McBárak and O'Sulliman are likely to give us Pselts an even more glorious reputation for political mastery.

(( But Dr. Johnson knows best about us wunnerful, ever-immortal pride an’ glory of the Whight Civilisation of the Western Race. ))

07 February 2011

"A better way to push for reforms"

Dear Dr. Bones,

Any competent admirator must frequently admire the B'nôt Chûtspâ. All the -- ¡far from inconsiderable! -- militancy an’ extremism of our own zimmy-dummy wingnutettes an’ wingnuts can be eclipsed to shame by a single neoperformance in the Path of Hyperzion:

Edelstein wrote Guardian editor Ian Black that he was amazed that his newspaper would agree to publish a letter [*] that calls for the murder of innocent civilians. He demanded that Black print an apology and clarification stating that the newspaper did not condone terrorism in any form and did not consider it a legitimate tool in a struggle for freedom.

“I expect you to make clear to your readers that you believe that terrorism is a violent and despicable act, directed mainly toward innocent civilians with the intent to strike fear and anxiety in a society,” Edelstein wrote. “Certainly this was the goal of those who employed terrorism in the London bombing of July 2005.”

Though the aggressive self-spiritedness of such a thingee be above all praise, yet I betcha our old friend and M. Pascal’s, Ms. Prudentia, is horrified. Horrified, indeed, at more levels than one:

(1) Neufreiherr Minister von Edelstein seems, firstly, not to have computed that there are far more wicked Natives, and fellow-travelers with Wicked Nativism, in the world to address imperious scribbles at the fishwraps of Greater Tel ’Avîv than _vice versâ_. No doubt everybooby all ’round will regularly be tossing such directives in the recycle bin where they so richly belong. Nevertheless, the underlying correlation of farces is gravely asymmetrical: far more Jewish Statist than Nativist personhours are bound to be lost to a very elementary task of housekeeping.

What could be plainer as a matter of strategy / operations / tactics than that the Greatest Demographic™ must ever strive to fight on terrain where numerical superiorities count for as little as possible? Rear-Colonel Prudentia might, it seems to me, very reasonably wish to see the Neukamerad Gefreiter von Edelstein kangaroocourt-martialed for militerrory folly and incompetence.


(2) Coming at it from the opposite direction of Ms. Prudence, out of the remoter feverswamps, that is, of practical Y'hûdâ v'Shômrôn and theoretical Ziontology, I guess quite a number of swampsters will deem the Freelord of Edelstein a dement -- or even maybe a witless tool of Nativism -- to be (or even pretend to be) ‘amazed’ that Airstrip One should harbour badmouthers of the GD™ Folk: "¿Can the ziocomrade be really inaware that, like unto Oceania and Eastasia, Old Europe and Altneuland have *always* been at war? And by no means always a cold war: _¡¡Nie wieder Oswiecim!!_"

Whether exposing himself to such criticism involves a genuine imprudence on His Neoëxcelllency's part depends on what audience he panders to, exactly. I fear I never distinctly heard of him till this morning, so I have no clue to the freelordly stance beyond what the junior judæostatist from up the slippery slope at Castle Podhòretz reproduces. That, however, looks distinctly febrile and paludinous to me.

Let me know what you think, please, sir.


(3) Then comes the timing of this exuberance, my trump card. What would it profit the GD™ Folk to gain _The Guardian_ of London, but lose Gen. Mubárak of Nile River City, the closest product yet discovered or invented on land or sea to an anti-Nativism Native? [**]

One would have thought -- for what zimmy-dummy ‘thinking’ may be worth -- this a moment for a rather narrow concentration of all the force and frau . . . and _hasbarâ that Judæostatism can bring to bear, not for picking new fights, however ideologically congenial, at or beyond the extreme margin of the Greater Neolevantine Co-Prosperity Sphere.


Even the junior birdperson of _Commentary_ seems to allude obliquely to imprudence when she glosses her text with "There is little that the Israeli government can do to bring about changes at _The Guardian_. That most likely means that the freedamsel supposes the Neufreiherr von Edelstein -- a portfolio-carryin’ operative of the Tel ’Avîv government, remember -- is wastin’ his time an’ breath an’ energy -- generally labourin’ in vain.

On the other hand, her freeladyship clearly thinks there is a way to neolabour against the abhominable Guardian NOT altogether in vain:

A better way to push for reforms [2] would be if influential groups within the Jewish community started a campaign against the paper’s obsessively anti-Israel (and at times anti-Semitic) news coverage. Criticizing Israel government policies is one thing; publishing pro-terrorism letters and cartoons of Palestinian leaders dressed as Orthodox Jews is another. Jewish leaders should firmly and publicly condemn the endorsements of violence and outright bigotry that are becoming staples in _The Guardian_.

Two epiglosses on the glossatrix come to mind:

(A) I suspect the alleged "influential groups within the Jewish community" on Airstrip One have been doin’ firmly an’ exactly just that for years an’ years now.

(B) A very tiny point, though perhaps indicative of the JS neomindset: it certainly looks to this keyboard as if cartoonists in the UK would be getting quite a raw deal as compared with what their honourable and neogallant colleagues in Denmark have already been most graciously vouchsafed.


By way of hyperepigloss and conclusion: it occurs to me that Party Neocomradess (ninth class) A. X. Goodman may not "get out as much" as a young freedamsel should. I mean, ¿does she really *know* anythin’ much ’bout *any* part of Old Europe? Sheer neoïgnorance would handily account for both the trifling little discrepancies I have pointed to.

¡Happy days!

[0] "Oddly enough," we are not provided a link to this Letter of Blood. Presuambly the factious tripe an’ bologna laid out on the e-counter at Contentions have a great appeal to persons who have not yet attained the age of reason and need to be protected from overexposure to S*x and V**l*nce.

Yes, that must be the explanation!

Trickier to explain is why I cannot find the L. of B. on the fiends’ own website either.

[1] I knowingly omit the Maronites and ‘Phœnecians’ of the Beirut statelet, who have let their wannabe patrons to the South down so many times that I strike them from the roster of effectives.

[2] ‘Reforms’ is good.

28 January 2011

Concerning a Possible Flaw in "Heads We Win, Tails Barry Loses"

Dear Dr. Bones,

Don Ricardito de Fernández y Podhòretz takes great pains to establish what any decent political adult would have conceded in a flash -- that he, the apprentice Don, knows little or nothin’ ’bout the inscrutable Neolevant.

Well, but there is no reason why he should, is there?

The puzzle, then, is why such a neospecimen should attempt to fake it, especially considering that Hooverville and Rio Limbaugh/Port Ste. Lucie, even Pajama Junction NJ, are not facin' any shortage of well-credentialized exponents of Native Management for the Neolevant. The jackboot is on the other foot entirely, it seems to me. That is, should weekly standardizers and newcriterionmongers suddenly feel an urge to big-manage any *other* species of Native than the Levantine, they might be in rather deep doo-doo, at least in the preliminary stages of their aggression.

An example: from time to time, some of the more obscure freelords an’ kiddiemasters have suggested that Party & AEIdeology may have to do somethin’, one of these days, ’bout the heathen Chinee, who is now getting distinctly uppity economically, whilst remaining quite as mythologically misguided as ever. They would have a great deal of difficulty makin' a neogo of it, I fear. Their faction possesses several dozen, maybe even several hundred, _Bernielewisschüler_ for every honourable an’ neogallant Party groupie who happens to be learnèd in the lore of distant Cathay as well as the intricacies of trickle-down. [*]

Furthermore, our favorite pajamatarian _señorito_ is here caught behavin’ in a distinctly uncivil way: he is tryin’ to jump to the head of the queue, cuttin’ off many other Party neocomrades who have been toilin’ laboriously in the vineyards of _jihád_ careerism for years and years now. If Pipes Minor and the blessèd Hugh the Simple and Bob, Cardinal Spencer, are not a little miffed, it will only because Don Ricardito is so amateurish a J.C. wannabe as to be beneath the notice of the pros.

Worst of all, at the end of his scribble the junior Don yawns in the face of everybooby who has troubled to read that far, makin’ crystal clear that, over and above not knowin’ refried beans about the Middle East, he isn't even interested in it. The whole m'gillâ turns out to be yet another exercise in obamabashery. Not a happy one, either, because little Donnie wants to blame his POTUS equally for Gen. Mubárak surviving an’ for Gen. Mubárak falling. (¿Why not the Crimean War, while he's at it?)

Considered as a technical difficulty of literature / rhetoric / agitprop, one solution is not far to seek: Don Ricardito might have judiciously chopped his baby in half, publishin' the "Bye, Bye Mubárak" part here at Pajama Junction NJ, an’ "The O’Bama-Mubárak Axis of Tyranny" dingalingery somewhere else. Or _vice versâ_. Presumably he would soon have been wantin’ one or the other to sink without a trace, lest his candidate membership in Club Nostradamus be imperiled. But at least that way he could safely ignore one an’ dredge up the other for "¡I told you so!" purposes.

As it is, little Donnie will just get the worst of everythin’ available, should he ever point back at this thing. ’Twill be obvious, outside the factional monkey house and maybe even to some extent inside it, that Don Ricardito did not have a clue what was gonna come to pass in the Neolevant, but just kindly wanted everybooby to know who is to blame for it, whatever it may be. A complete waste of energy, that, for to come out from under the overcoat of Party Neocomrade R. L. Simon, Freelord an’ Kiddiemaster of Padjaama in the neopeerage of Foxcuckooland [**], has already spoken for itself eloquently, who’s-to-blame-for-everythin’wise.

¡Happy days! (through affordable healthcare)

[*] Possibly tank-thinkers for the KSM, Kiddie Selfservative Movement, are aware of what seems to me a grave deficiency in their neopreparedness and yet not worried. The reason would be easy enough: that crew and the present humble keyboard disagree radically about the relative importance for Native Management schemes of "area studies" (distant Native lore &c.) and . . .

. . . I am so completely out of sympathy with their neostuff that to find a handy-dandy label for it that will not be all hostile sarcasm and zero fairembalanced information. What it comes to, perhaps one may say, is that when Wingnut City *does* finally resolve to march on Xanadu, their GHQ will not commence by recruitin’ speakers of Xanadese, but rather neocomradesses an’ neocomrades militantly fluent in Powe®Poin™.

(The Señto. de F. y P. appears to be no better qualified in P®P™ than in East-of-Eden Studies, by the way. Though ¿perhaps it is merely that he has never found a suitable occasion to show off that particular neoaccomplishment of his?)

[**] Plus -- ¡never forget!, ¡¡_nunca se olvide de recordar_!! -- the ¡¡¡World’s Greatest YaleoDrama™ist!!!

Concerning a Possible Flaw in "Heads We Win, Tails Barry Loses"

Dear Dr. Bones,

Don Ricardito de Fernández y Podhòretz takes great pains to establish what any decent political adult would have conceded in a flash -- that he, the apprentice Don, knows little or nothin’ ’bout the inscrutable Neolevant.

Well, but there is no reason why he should, is there?

The puzzle, then, is why such a neospecimen should attempt to fake it, especially considering that Hooverville and Rio Limbaugh/Port Ste. Lucie, even Pajama Junction NJ, are not facin' any shortage of well-credentialized exponents of Native Management for the Neolevant. The jackboot is on the other foot entirely, it seems to me. That is, should weekly standardizers and newcriterionmongers suddenly feel an urge to big-manage any *other* species of Native than the Levantine, they might be in rather deep doo-doo, at least in the preliminary stages of their aggression.

An example: from time to time, some of the more obscure freelords an’ kiddiemasters have suggested that Party & AEIdeology may have to do somethin’, one of these days, ’bout the heathen Chinee, who is now getting distinctly uppity economically, whilst remaining quite as mythologically misguided as ever. They would have a great deal of difficulty makin' a neogo of it, I fear. Their faction possesses several dozen, maybe even several hundred, _Bernielewisschüler_ for every honourable an’ neogallant Party groupie who happens to be learnèd in the lore of distant Cathay as well as the intricacies of trickle-down. [*]

Furthermore, our favorite pajamatarian _señorito_ is here caught behavin’ in a distinctly uncivil way: he is tryin’ to jump to the head of the queue, cuttin’ off many other Party neocomrades who have been toilin’ laboriously in the vineyards of _jihád_ careerism for years and years now. If Pipes Minor and the blessèd Hugh the Simple and Bob, Cardinal Spencer, are not a little miffed, it will only because Don Ricardito is so amateurish a J.C. wannabe as to be beneath the notice of the pros.

Worst of all, at the end of his scribble the junior Don yawns in the face of everybooby who has troubled to read that far, makin’ crystal clear that, over and above not knowin’ refried beans about the Middle East, he isn't even interested in it. The whole m'gillâ turns out to be yet another exercise in obamabashery. Not a happy one, either, because little Donnie wants to blame his POTUS equally for Gen. Mubárak surviving an’ for Gen. Mubárak falling. (¿Why not the Crimean War, while he's at it?)

Considered as a technical difficulty of literature / rhetoric / agitprop, one solution is not far to seek: Don Ricardito might have judiciously chopped his baby in half, publishin' the "Bye, Bye Mubárak" part here at Pajama Junction NJ, an’ "The O’Bama-Mubárak Axis of Tyranny" dingalingery somewhere else. Or _vice versâ_. Presumably he would soon have been wantin’ one or the other to sink without a trace, lest his candidate membership in Club Nostradamus be imperiled. But at least that way he could safely ignore one an’ dredge up the other for "¡I told you so!" purposes.

As it is, little Donnie will just get the worst of everythin’ available, should he ever point back at this thing. ’Twill be obvious, outside the factional monkey house and maybe even to some extent inside it, that Don Ricardito did not have a clue what was gonna come to pass in the Neolevant, but just kindly wanted everybooby to know who is to blame for it, whatever it may be. A complete waste of energy, that, for to come out from under the overcoat of Party Neocomrade R. L. Simon, Freelord an’ Kiddiemaster of Padjaama in the neopeerage of Foxcuckooland [**], has already spoken for itself eloquently, who’s-to-blame-for-everythin’wise.

¡Happy days! (through affordable healthcare)

[*] Possibly tank-thinkers for the KSM, Kiddie Selfservative Movement, are aware of what seems to me a grave deficiency in their neopreparedness and yet not worried. The reason would be easy enough: that crew and the present humble keyboard disagree radically about the relative importance for Native Management schemes of "area studies" (distant Native lore &c.) and . . .

. . . I am so completely out of sympathy with their neostuff that to find a handy-dandy label for it that will not be all hostile sarcasm and zero fairembalanced information. What it comes to, perhaps one may say, is that when Wingnut City *does* finally resolve to march on Xanadu, their GHQ will not commence by recruitin’ speakers of Xanadese, but rather neocomradesses an’ neocomrades militantly fluent in Powe®Poin™.

(The Señto. de F. y P. appears to be no better qualified in P®P™ than in East-of-Eden Studies, by the way. Though ¿perhaps it is merely that he has never found a suitable occasion to show off that particular neoaccomplishment of his?)

[**] Plus -- ¡never forget!, ¡¡_nunca se olvide de recordar_!! -- the ¡¡¡World’s Greatest YaleoDrama™ist!!!